Chapter 6 Embarassment

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Omg guys thanks for all the support it means a lot and 800 reads already oh my 😱.
Anyways here's the next chapter :)

A million different thoughts were all gathering up in my brain it was starting to give me a killing headache. Next i see that psychotic freak he's gunna get it well maybe I'll just make sure he didn't see that (I have nothing against gays readers) gay fan-fiction I wrote of him and batman aka my brother who was pretty pissed when he saw it. Now that I think about it I hope he has seen it gives me somet to laugh at but than again joker would make a huge joke about it so maybe he shouldn't see it. So overall as long as he hasn't found anything that he shouldn't have and no I'm not telling you either.

Pushing all my thoughts away I pulled out my black skater skirt and white vest top along with my black flats and dried my (h/l) (h/c) hair leaving it how it was before applying a small amount of makeup (if you don't wear makeup sorry). I jumped back on jokers bed and just sat there taking in all of the furniture as well as the colours of his room. As I was counting how many things I could see, yes I was that bored, a gun shot echoed in the quiet mansion shattering the peacefulness.

Groaning, I stood up slowly making my way to the bedroom door, I pushed the handle down pulling the door towards me. Jokers laughter filled the dark, spooky hallways but the creepiness didn't stop my curiosity. I bet you've heard of 'curiosity killed the cat' well soon my curiosity will kill me, damn why am I so nosey the jokers gunna have me dead quicker than I'd hoped for at this rate.

I followed the loud gunshots and hysterical laughter through the hall and down the stairs to see a dead man laying there lifeless in his own blood. The joker was stood there throwing darts at the poor henchmen's head but it was quite interesting to wat...what am I talking about I'm here to ask j if he's seen my collection of.... Stop you don't need to know about that ok.

J's laughter slowed down and came to a stop looking at me with a blank emotionless face leaving it up to me to start an awkward conversation. "J I've seen you've been in my room you didn't see anything... Ya know that's embarrassing like any posters?" I gulped worried at the fact that he may have seen something I wouldn't ever want him too see but I'm still pissed that he broke into my room. "Oh you mean these doll face." J smirked at me making my stomach twist and turn what has he found and what has he seen. He grabbed me wrist dragging me up the stairs to a new room. The door was dark oak with a golden door knob and a sign reading 'KEEP OUT'.

Mr...Well J I guess opened the oak door revealing an office which I'm assuming was his with papers or should I say plans spread along the desk but the rest of the room was extremely neat. I got pulled out of my thoughts by J pouring a whole lot of... NO NO NO HE FOUND... He found my joker collection ok I admit I'm a huge joker fan ok but I can't believe he found all of this.

The topless action figure, posters, pictures and all joker Merch you could get but I noticed he hadn't read my gay fanfic thankfully "wait what's this?" Joker asked pulling the paper I was talking about of the poster "NOTHING! Don't read that." I said absolutely embarrassed that I felt like hiding from everyone. "Hmm lets see..." J scanned the fanfic with pure disgust written all over his face. "Why did you write this, LIKE ID HAVE SEX WITH BATSY!" He screamed slapping me right across the face the impact made me crash to the floor in pain holding my right cheek letting the tears fall down my face. "So your a fan than doll face." He said looking down at me but his face did something I would never expect he looked down at me with sympathy in his eyes what the heck is happening? "Sorry doll." He mumbled under his breath but wait did he just say sorry. Before I could say something joker forcefully pulled me up onto my feet.

"hahahahahahaHAHAHA I never knew you would have a lot of things in me doll." He said smirking brushing his thumb against my cheek wiping the stray tear that had sat there. "S-sorry...."
"Blah blah blah." Joker just smirked and clapped his hands on each side of my shoulders making me jump before he pushed me out of the door. "Ahh too bad doll I'm too busy to chit chat now." He slammed the door in my face leaving me stood on the other side with a cherry red stained face.

Shorter chapter than normal anyways hope u enjoyed.

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