Creppypasta Fanfiction

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                                                                    Chapeter 1

(Okay well Hello My little creepers my friend and I are making a story about some creepypasta characters and then we will put in our own characters that we made up so you'll prolly notice that two chaters that are in this story you can't find anywhere and that's becaus they ours lol athours note)

 It started out just like a normal day for Scarlett she woke up at 7 a.m like every day. She wasn't to happy tho she had to go to school. She goes to 12th grade in a school call Freedom what a school name. Well she got out of bed walked over to the mirror she had in her room and began with putting on eyeliner that's all she would wear was black eyeliner. She put on white skinny jeans and a black tight fitting shirt with long sleaves. She waited for her friend to show up it she came Just as Scalett was about to leave.

                                            "Scarlett, sorry I was late I didn't hear my alarm go off." Maureen said looking down at the grond

                                            "Oh well it's fine, I don't mind I just hate going to school alone, wait what am I talking about I hate going to school at all." Scarlett said pushing her friend around jokinly.

 They walked to school without talking to each other. When they finally got there they went to homeroom and sat down. When they sat down they relised that all the other kids where sitting in their chairs stiff. That's when Scarlett looked up to the front of the room and saw a man with a gun pointing at the class.

~To be continued. Just be pasinte I swear Ben and all them are coming in the next chapter leave a coment letting my know if you want someting speacial to happen or if you want to be in the story okie byes

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