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OK... Thank you for my story reader... now i’ll update new chapter of my story.. once again.. i am really sorry with my english... i am indonesian and i am not great in english lesson. So have fun..


If your mother is the goddess of wisdom, perhaps you’ll need camuflage cloak to hide you from her, so she can’t meet you and give you horrible news.

Everything looked be fine when i sitting on campfire. As usual Apollo Cabin lead us for singing ancient greek song. The campfire burning with golden yellow flash. We put some marshmallows around the campfire. Next to me percy sat and singing with connor stoll. In front of me, jason talked something with piper. Yeah, after defeated the Dirt Face Jason decided to stay on Camp Half Blood. I didn’t know Jason’s reason, but it made Piper happy.  Now that couple didn’t look so distant, they shared their love easily. And it made Annabeth happy.

Before the campfire finished, i decided to visit Athena Parthenos. Reyna brought that statue safely. That statue had give great influence when Gaea’s minions attacked the Camp last summer . The Roman joined wih Camp Half Blood to fight them. Unfortunately, many demigods die on that battle. But it’s the price had to pay to get the great victory against Gaea. Now both of camp try to build their power again. Our power become stronger after we’re united as one.

The statue gazed serenely over the Camp. The statue’s golden light shone the entire of Camp’s valley. It was making the golden fleece light like little spotlight in the middle of sunshine. She looked that statue with great amazement, although she looked that statue thousand times since her arrival on Camp Half Blood.

She lie down beside that statue. She looked the silver stars on the night sky. It was remembered her about her best friends in tartarus. Damasen and Bob. Her tear flowed down on her cheek. She saw her mother statue and spoke to her, “You are goddess of wisdom. You known their sacrifice to help us for closing The Door of Death. I hope they’ll rise again soon.”. Her tounge become bitter after remembered her dark creature friends.

Sudddenly, the air turned cold. Her ears popped. A hundred feet after her, stood beautiful woman. She has same grey eyes like her eyes. She wore white sleeveless long dress. She hold long staff with her right hand and big shield on her left hand. She gave Annabeth warm smile. “Mother” Annabeth said with surprised expression.

“Hello my child. You did well on the last war” Athena said proudly. “It’s long time for me to visit this camp. Last times i visited this camp the situation is bad.”. “When was it?” Annabeth asked with curious feel. Athena’s smile become sad smile“Long story kids. I came here not to tell you that story.”. “okey. So why you come to here?” Annabeth gave the goddess flat expression. Now Athena’s face become serious, “I’ll tell you a story, dangerous story.”. Annabeth feel her body become numb. If the goddess of wisdom scare about a story, she believe that story is terrifying.

“i don’t have much time my kid, i’ll show you the story.” Show you, that words made Annabeth feeling bad. The goddess waved her arm and the air flickered. The air swirled around her and become solid. Annabeth felt her body trapped on whirlpool. After few moments. The air stop swirling and showed her different place.  They stood in the middle of museum. “Where is it?” Annabeth asked. Athena eyes looked straight “Just see and listen”. Annabeth would ask again when a woman appeared from room behind her. She’s beautiful and tall. She wore Egyptian outfit, her eyes circled with black pigment colour. She hold tall tiger headed stuff. She swung the stuff, thrown that to midair, and catched that stuff easily. Suddenly the thunder appeared from her stuff and attack the direction she came from.  Annabeth closed her ears, ready to face great explosion. But the explosion didn’t happen. “Who are you?” asked the woman. “Relax my lady i just want to talk with you.” a man voice replied. Annabeth heard his footstep. He came closer to the woman. After a moment Annabeth saw the man. He was tall, his bread hair is grey like rain cloud, his eyes is completely bright blue.he wore executive outfit. He reminded Annabeth to Jason.

“Zeus” Annabeth said in surprised.

“What do you want?” asked the woman. The man walkeded closer to her. “like i said before i just want to talk with you. Now drop your stuff, i promise, i’ll not hurting you.”. the woman lowered her stuff. Zeus smile to her, “Okay my lady, how about we introduce ourself each other. I want talk with you in kinship.”. the woman look Zeus uncomfortably. “Name is dangerous business.”. zeus managed to smile “Okey, my name is Zeus from London Nome.” Zeus give his hand to her. “Alexandra Garcia from Rome Nome. Your name is like ancient god of sky in my myth Jupiter.” Woman finally talked. “ah yes, you are Roman heh. Yeah but i completely mortal.” Zeus lied. “so Alexandra can we leave this museum and talk in way?”. “okay, lets go!” Alexandra lead their out way.

The air flickered again. I prepared myself to see other story from my mother. But after the air stop flickered we stood on Camp Half Blood valley. “Oh god. What happen with both of them after that? And when they met each other? And who is Alexandra?” i asked my mother. “Relax child. Alexandra is difficult person. You’ll know it later. They had a daughter. Alexandra finally figured out who is her husband. She couldn’t accept it. She kept her daughter with her own way. Zeus couldn’t find them. So he gave up.” Athena explained. Annabeth’s eyes widened “who is her? How she could hide demigod from god?”. Athena saw Annabeth carefully. She was like thinking about restricted information, “you’ll know it child. Just be careful. I feel great danger come closer to us. Just vigilant my daughter.”. Athena body flickered. “i don’t have time left again. So this is goodbay my child, although i’m sure we’ll meet again sooner.” Athena disappeared. Annabeth still stood in front of Athena Parthenos. She had many problem to think. She stepped back and ran down to fire camp.

Ok that’s it. Thank you for read my story. I am glad if you leave some review. Happy nice weekend...

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