Chapter 7

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*Zo's POV*
I sat there on the ground, my arms around my legs as I cried, and cried, and cried.

I wanted to die in that very moment. I didn't want to live my life anymore.

Why did I have to have such a horrible life? What did I do to deserve it?

I jumped from the sound of the door
being fiddled with harshly, and I saw Mr. Styles stand in the doorway, just staring at me. His eyes looked hurt, sad.

I stood up and brushed away my tears. I wanted him to know that I was much stronger than how I've acted.


"Please," I whisper, and start to cry a little more.

He looked confused but hurt in the same way to see me like this.

"Just leave me alone, please," I said, silently crying.

"Please Zo," He said, grabbing my wrist into his hands.

"Stop!" I nearly yell, but I didn't mean to take the anger out on him. I was just depressed. It wasn't his fault, he just wanted to help me.

"I-I'm sorry," I cry even more, standing in the door way.

"Just...erm...let's get to class," He said awkwardly, walking past me quickly.

"I didn't mean to yell, or say any of that," I said, but then I realized I was talking to myself. Mr. Styles had already disappeared somewhere.

I finally reached the classroom after I had stopped in the bathroom to fix my face.

I opened to door as quietly as I could, but no matter how quiet it was, everyone seemed to notice.

Mr. Styles stopped talking as I walked between the isles back to my desk in the back row.

I looked up at him, and I noticed he had looked away.

I sighed. And of course everything was my fault too.

"So today were going to be getting into partners to work on a project. I will have each person come up in front of the class and say who they want as their partner. So let's have...Claire go first," Mr. Styles smiled.

Claire stood up smiling, and got in front of the class.

"Carson," She said as Carson stood up.

"Okay now Noah," Mr. Styles said.

"Chris," Noah said, walking to Chris.

After a couple more people, I just zoned out. I knew I was going to have to be put in a group. Nobody picked me.

"Zo," I heard a boy call to me. It wasn't Mr. Styles; I didn't know who it was.
It was Trey. Trey never really talked to me, but he looked at me all the time and he seemed sweet. I guess it's better than anyone else.

I looked over at Mr. Styles who looked angrily at Trey, and his eyes turned darker.

Trey smiled at me, not noticing Mr. Styles' angry face.

"On second thought," Mr. Styles stood up announcing, "Maybe I'll just put you in partners."

I sighed quietly, not wanting Mr. Styles to hear me. I looked down because I was mad. I was finally going to be able to make a friend, and he had to ruin it.

Trey walked past me but instead of going to his seat he sat in the seat next to me.

"Hi Zo," He said sweetly.

"Hi," I smiled a little.

"Sorry we couldn't be partners. I thought it'd be cool to pick," He said.

"It's fine. It's not your fault. Just Mr. Styles," I sighed, and looked at Mr. Styles whose eyes were shooting right at me.

I quickly looked back at Trey, nodding.

"Um...I'll see you around I guess. We could hang out sometime if you wanted," Trey offered, and his cheeks blushed enormously.

"That sounds great," I said, and Trey smiled walking back to his seat.

"The partners will be Emily and Trey, Carson and Claire, Zoe and Noah," Mr. Styles started, and just went on with names of the class.

When he finished and I didn't hear mine, I raised my hand until he noticed me.

"Yes, Zo?"

"You didn't call my name," I said quietly, like I usually did.

"Oh, right. Come here Zo," He said, motioning me up to him.

I walked slowly past everyone and up to Mr. Styles.

"I thought it'd be better for you to work alone," He said quietly.

"But why?" I asked, a little pissed.

"There's nobody in here that...erm...would treat you well," Mr. Styles finished weirdly.

"I was going to be with Trey everything would've been fine!" I say a little louder to him, because I was mad.

"Shh," Mr. Styles whispered, but continued, "You'll be fine alone."

"No I won't! I can't do math!" I say loudly, looking down at my black boots after it.

"Y-you could work with me," Mr. Styles said.

"But your my teacher," I stated.

"I could help you," He said.

"Did you just change the partner thing around so you could be with me?" I asked, flattered in a way. Someone liked me, and I've never actually had it happen before.

"Erm...we will talk about that later. First, we just need to think of a topic," Mr. Styles smiled, and I he rubbed my knee gently where nobody could see.

Mr. StylesDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora