Chapter 29

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Today was finally the day. I was auditioning for Sleeping Beauty in three hours. Harry and Niall have been helping me rehearse for the past two weeks nonstop. I’m afraid that I’ve driven them mad with my worries and constant rehearsing. The three of us even watched the movie together to get a feel for the scene. But now knew my lines inside and out, and I was ready. The only part I was worried about was the singing portion.

I was not the singer in the family. That was Liam’s job. People at school used to always make fun of my voice. It was not my strongest point.

Harry and Niall tried to help me pick a song, but none of their choices really stood out to me. Besides, I kind of wanted to choose this song on my own. I wanted this to be my choice, not a suggestion that I got from someone else.

I spent two and a half hours locked in my room. The lads and the girls were probably wondering if I had died or something up here, but I didn’t care. I was frantically rehearsing my lines while trying to make myself look presentable and come up with a good song all at the same time. Before I knew it, it was two-thirty, a half hour until my audition.

“Cam?” Harry asked, knocking on my door before entering. “It’s time to go.”

“No it’s not,” I said, shaking my head wildly.

Harry sighed. “I know your nervous, Cam.”

“Me? Nervous? Never,” I nodded as I plopped on my bed.

“Really?” I nodded in confirmation. “Well, c’mon, let’s go then.”

“But, I, um, need to, um, use the bathroom,” I lied.

“No you don’t. You used it five minutes ago.”

“No I didn’t,” I said, reclining back on the bed.

“You told Niall that you had to use it five minutes ago,” Harry objected, crossing his arms over his chest.

“Well I have to go again.”

“No, you don’t. C’mon. Time to go,” Harry huffed, coming into my room.

“No! Harry, don’t!” I cried, grabbing onto the headboard.

“Yup. C’mon,” he said, latching his hands onto my ankles. He began to tug me off the bed, but I had an iron grip on the headboard. Soon I was suspended in midair, Harry tugging on my feet while I gripped the bars on the headboard for dear life.

“Why is no one coming to help me here?” I screamed, aghast that no one was coming to my aid, especially Liam and Louis.

“Everyone’s out but you, me, and Niall, love! Now, come on! You’re going to be late!”

“I decided I don’t want to go!” I cried out, my nerves getting the best of me. Harry’s grip slackened on my feet, and I took the opportunity to thrash them around everywhere, laughing maniacally.

“Shit. Niall!” Harry called. There was a bounding up the stairs, and then Niall appeared.

“Why is Cam spazzing?”

“She’s refusing to leave for the audition. If we don’t leave now, we’re going to be late,” Harry anxiously said, running his hand through his hair.

Niall sighed and sat next to me on the bed, gently rubbing my cheek to calm me down. He began to hum softly, and eventually I stopped thrashing and stared at Niall with tears in my eyes.

“Cam, come on. You’ve been practicing for weeks now. You know all the lines forward and backward. You know the character. You’ve rehearsed the song. You’re beautiful; you look like a princess. This is your dream.”

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