Chapter 1- When it all began

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My name is Marinette Dupain-Cheng.

I'm writing this for anyone who will be bothered to read.
I guess its a way of saying... that we matter.

That all the things we have done, and all the people who had died in the process, it was all worth it.

There is only one way to do this.

It to go back to when it all began.

                 ~Chapter One~
              When it all began.


It all started with a sleepover at Alya's house on a friday night. "You had what!" I squealed.

"Nino's parents went out so, we had hours to ourselves," Alya smirked. The thought of it just made me cringe.

"Well, how was it?" I asked.

"Amazing. I feel like a real women now."

We were in the middle of watching Paper Towns when she came up with an excellent idea.

"Hey Mari, why don't we go on a road trip like this. We are going into senior year and this summer might be the last time we will have fun together before we all separate into college. What about we go camping like we always did when we were younger?" She suggested, while munching on popcorn.

It had been years since we had gone on a camping trip. Maybe we were just getting too old to go with our parents to the lake. But now we could go by ourselves."Yeah, I can ask my folks if we can go to the lake next weekend."

"No I was thinking that maybe we can go somewhere different to the lake. Like get into the forest, where we can really get some piece and quiet."

I nodded. It sounded like a great idea but I wasn't sure my parents would share the same opinion."We can borrow my father's spare car." I wrote it down while taking a chunk out of a chocolate bar.

"Can Nino come?" Alya suggested innocently, making me chuckle.

"Oh so you want to have more sex is that it?" I accused. She gave me a creepy smile."No!" She exclaimed through giggles. But I wasn't all too convinced."But lets ask others to come."


"Oh please Dad? It will only be for a weekend," I whined to my parents at dinner the next day. It seemed I wasn't going all too well as I hoped in convincing them.

"I don't know Marinette, we would say yes to the lake but going somewhere you haven't been before? With just the three of you?" Mum asked.

"But we won't make just Alya, Nino and I, we will get others to go too," I said.

"Okay, but how are you going to get there?" Dad asked.

"Umm," I said with a deep breath,"I was wondering if we could take the Land Rover..."

Dad scoffed at my suggestion and Mum shook her head. Why are they so stubborn? I thought,"Why don't you ride bikes down to the lake. Make it an old fashioned camp out," Mum said.

"We are not ten anymore. I'm turning eighteen this year and my friends and I want to go somewhere different. And plus, wouldn't this be a great time to learn how to be cooperative, independent, responsible and all those. Good things?" I asked innocently. Dad looked at Mum tiredly. I almost got them, I thought."Come on. What worst thing that could possibly happen?"

And so my parents finally agreed to let me go. As long as there were eight of us. Three were already knocked off our list of people. We just needed four more.

I skyped Alya on Wednesday night and asked her for suggestions.

"Well we all know who YOU would like to ask Mari," she said, wiggling her eyebrows.

Well of course I wanted to invite Adrien Agreste. He was Nino's best friend and he hanged out with us ever since he came to our school in tenth grade. And also because I had a huge crush on him. I blushed,"yeah I'll call him."

"What about Chloe?" Alya muttered.

I have to say, Chloe wasn't the all kind hearted and generous girl when we were growing up. But she turned herself around at the end of tenth grade and we actually became mutural friends.


"You really want me to come?" Chloe asked, after I came to meet her at her hotel."Do you think everyone will be fine with me?"

"Oh sure! You are pretty nice now." I said to her.

She called out to her Dad,"Father, can I go out camping with Marinette and her friends this weekend?"

Her father looked slightly confused and surprised by this request,"camping? Out in the country?"

That made four. Now I was going to ask Adrien. If I didn't make a complete fool of myself.

I dialled his number and waited nervously for him to pick up."Hey this is Adrien," he said.

The sound of his voice made me immediately break down into stuttering."Er hey Adrien! Marinette it's! I mean, it's Marinette! I w-was just wondering if you would like to go ca-amping this weekend with me. I mean with us! I mean," I choked on all of my words. I mentally slapped myself for being such a dork.

"That sounds great Mari! I will have to ask my Dad though and you know what he's like. I might need your guy's help," he said."See you soon."

"Okay cool! Er bye." I hung up and breathed a sigh of relief.

Five and three to go, Chloe asked if Nathaniel could go and so I told her yes. I knew that Chloe secretly liked the guy even though she wouldn't admit it.

That made six.

I finally compromised with my parents on seven as long as Myléne was the seventh. Her mother and mine have been great friends since forever.


Friday morning, Alya, Nino and I dressed elegantly and set off to the Agreste mansion to persuade Gabriel Agreste. We decided to let Adrien do the talking and he told us to put on serious faces and stand formally.

Gabriel sat behind his desk,"now is their any reason why you would be taking days off Adrien? It would mean cancelling fencing and photoshoots. With girls aswell?"

Adrien gulped but kept his cool. "So you see Dad, my friends and I, we are taking this camping trip as a perfect time to study and for me to practice coaching Chinese. The girls will be sleeping in separate tents. After all, this is not supposed to be romantic."

Gabriel inspected us one final time before reluctantly agreeing.


That was us, Adrien, Alya, Chloe, Myléne, Nathaniel, Nino and I. The spectacular seven as we are now known as.

That was the beginning. The life-saving idea of going camping in a remote uninhabited part of a forest away from civilisation. The reason that we are free today.

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