The Hotel: One

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Hey guys! So this is my first book. Will be very cringy. BIG WARNING! :)

Anyways, Enjoy it!


Chapter One

"I need a good scare, come on!" Michael stomps his foot like a child making me laugh. He wants us to go to the cemetery to try and find some ghosts.

"Michael, stop being a fucking idiot. What if ghosts attach themselves to us?!" Mila rolls her eyes plopping down onto the couch. He pouts at his girlfriend. "No." Mila gives him a stern look.

"Actually. . . I kind of want to." Their heads all snap to me, a wide grin on Michael's while a surprised look on everyone else's.

"Yey! Hayley's on board!" He giggles, pulling me up from the couch out of Calum's grasp. "Come on guys, it could be fun." I shrug my shoulders. "You're both stupid, if you want to get possessed then go on, we're not going." Sandra scowls.

Calum stands up wrapping his arms around my waist. "I'm going." He shrugs, kissing my forehead. I smile up at him. "Fine. Lets go then, they're not coming." I say leading the guys toward the front door.

"I wanna go!" Luke appears into the hall, I laugh at the grin on his face. "If you die! I'm taking all your money!" Sandra yells to Luke. He blows a kiss into the living room at her.

Melanie soon comes out, her hand in Ashton's. "Yey! So many people!" I grin clapping my hands. "Are you guys sure you don't want to come?" I ask, looking into the living room at Sandra and Mila.

They shake their heads. "I hate you all!" Mila yells, Michael laughs. "You love me baby." He grins. "I hate that you're always right. Good luck." Mila jumps up from the couch, kissing Michael.

"Bye guys!" We yell, walking out of the house.

We soon arrive outside the cemetery, Calum grabs my hand. "Aw, is Cal scared?" I look up at him, speaking in a baby voice. He pouts at me shaking his head. "No, it's just dark and I don't want to lose you." I grin.

"Guys, come on!" I look toward Michael, who's standing in the entrance of the cemetery, that's when I realize that everyone went in and Calum and I are still out here.

I laugh, pulling Calum in with me. "So, are you and Luke going to cuddle if you get scared since your girls aren't here?" Calum laughs as I speak to Michael who walks in front of me. He turns around rolling his eyes at me.

"What's wrong with Muke?" I laugh looking at Calum who gapes. "You have a ship name?"

"Yes of course. Luke!-"

"Michael, shut up, we are in a cemetery! Be respectful." Melanie scolds, Ashton giggles as Michael pouts.

"What?" Luke, who's leading the group turns around looking at Michael. "What's our ship name?"

"Muke." Luke grins, I continue to laugh. "Alright, here seems far enough." Luke stops us all.

"What are we even going to do here? We didn't bring anything to contact them." Ashton asks, looking around at us. "Jeez, it. Is. Dark."

"It's creepy as f as well." Calum chuckles, pulling me into his side. "You're so innocent." He coos, I scowl.

"I think we should just ask questions and see if we get a response. If we don't, then this was a waste of time." Michael chuckles. "Now, who's gonna ask?"

"Well, since you were the one that suggested coming here, you have to ask." Melanie smirks at Michael. He shakes his head. "No thank you. I'm not going home with a demon stuck to my back." He shakes his head.

"Michael. No matter who asks, we'll all more than likely have a demon stuck to our backs if it wants to." Calum rolls his eyes.

"Okay, can you just, hurry up."

"Why? You getting scared, Hayley?" Luke smirks, teasing me. I gape, looking behind him. "Fuck Luke! What's that?!" I scream, Luke screams running next to me.

I burst into a fit of giggles. He shoves me, frowning. "You had me shitting myself too Hayley." Melanie frowns.

"Ah, it's good to be able to scare people." I giggle, smiling proudly with myself.

"Alright, let's sit." Michael suggests, sitting on the ground. "Ew, no. God knows what's on the ground." I grimace. "Sit." Calum demands.

"Okay Mr. Bossy Pants." I roll my eyes, he grins as I sit next to him. "Lets join hands."

"What? Why?" I laugh at Michael. He glares at me, I quickly grab Calum and Luke's hand. "Now, we're going to call upon the Spirits." I snort, Michael sounds like he's a Median or something. Where did he learn all of this?

"Hayley. Will. You. Shut. Up." I frown as Michael scolds me. He chuckles, which makes me sigh in relief. He's not actually mad.

"Anyways. . . Is there anyone here?" He asks, I can't help but look around. What if I see someone standing nearby. I get the shivers at the thought.

The only sound is the whistling of the wind. It's so eerie around here. I tighten my grip in both Calum and Luke's hands. Calum smiles softly at me, which eases the fear.

"Nope. . . Nothing. If there is someone here, please show us!" Michael continues, his voice louder this time. The wind gets heavier, the clouds above are an ominous dark blue, almost black.

It's too dark.

All of a sudden Melanie jumps up screaming. "What?!" Ashton jumps up beside her, she continues to scream, grabbing her head, tears flooding her eyes. "Melanie, what happened?" Ashton tries to calm her down.

"Baby, what?" His voice gets softer, as she calms down. He places his hands on the sides of her face. My heart is beating so loud, I'm sure Michael, who's sitting across from me can hear it.

"Something pulled my hair Ashton." Melanie is hysterical, Ashton gasps, pulling her into a hug, she sniffles against his chest.

"You'll be okay. It was nothing, I promise."

"Was it a rough pull, or soft?" Michael asks, Ashton glares at him, he shrugs. Melanie sniffles, looking at Michael. "It was kind of in the middle, I don't want to think about it. Can we go?" We all nod. I'm up really quickly.

"You were squeezing my hand pretty tight, were you scared?" I look up at Luke. I nod slowly, hopping he doesn't tease me. He nods.

"It's fine. We'll be fine. That was just a sign, Michael asked for it. Nothing bad is going to happen." He smiles reassuringly at me. "Thanks Luke, for not being a dickhead, as usual." I giggle when he gapes.

We get back into the car and arrive back home.

"Are you all, still you?" I hear Sandra's voice. We walk into the living room, where Sandra and Mila were cuddled up together.

"Hello?" Sandra rolls her eyes when we don't answer. They both jump apart, looking at us. "Guys?" Mila tries to stifle the fear on her face.

"Michael?" Mila looks at him expectantly. This is hilarious. Michael disappears for a second.

"What happened?" Sandra asks with a raised eyebrow. Michael comes back with a knife. "Michael!" Mila's voice is alarmed.

His eyes are wide as he walks toward them. "Michael stop!" Sandra lets out a blood curdling scream.

We begin laughing loudly, Michael brings the knife back. Sandra and Mila scowl. Luke jumps beside Sandra, she moves away from him, he pouts. "You

are all pricks!" They both exclaim.

"Aw, baby. Don't be mad. We were just having some fun." Michael hugs Mila.

"What happened anyways?"

"Melanie's hair was pulled. . ." Fear flashes across Melanie's face. The girls gape. "Are you okay Mel?" She nods quickly, Ashton pulls her closer into him.

"Anything else?" We shake our heads.

"Movie?" I suggest, they all nod gathering on the couches. I slide in Halloween.

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