A Small Note

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Kokona was soon picked up from school by her very upset and distraught mother and taken back home to rest.

She told her mother most of what led to her almost death after she had calmed down. Kokona's mother listened and cried with her, reassuring her that she was loved and safe now.

"I'm sorry mother. I love you. Please don't tel dad or the others. I don't want to worry them. Please. Just if they ask. Tell them I'm sick." She pleaded to her mother.

Silence greeted her for a good minute or two until her mother responded. "Alright." Was all she said, folloeed by a nod. "I won't tell them. I promise sweety." She smiled before embracing Kokona tightly once again.

Kokona laid in bed thinking over the events of the day. Her mind mainly focused on Taro. Despite what else that had happened today, she just couldn't stop thinking about him and how he was. How he handled her and how he kissed her. He was her senpai. Her gentle senpai. Kokona was happier after that. And even more in love.

She sighed realising once again the warning she was given. She needed to back off before Ayano noticed anything. Before it was too late.

A few days had past and it was time for her to go to school omce again. She was much better and had completely forgotten her worries until she arrived at school.

Kokona walked silently through the gates and into the locker room. She was almost late and everyone was already getting their books and things out. There was chattering and noise going on when she walked in but it soon all stopped when they all realised Kokona was there.

There was no doubt that they all knew what happened last time she was at school. She was expecting a lot of sympathy. Sympathy she didn't want or need. Kokona just wanted to be left alone.

She rushed to her locker near Taro and organised her books and things for class. First period was English Studies. Kokona snuck a glance at Taro as she shut her locker. He was looking at her too with a small smile. He waved at her probably not wanting to say anything due to the silence in the hall.

Kokona waved back quite nervously sensing another set of eyes on her which she presumed were Ayano's.

The second bell went signaling class went off and everyone departed for class. Kokona turned around, hugging her books close to her and giving her a sigh. She saw Ayano out of the corner of her eye, glaring out her and pulling a switch blade out of her pocket. Kokona cowered and rushed off to her class.

The day went rather quickly and uneventfully. Saki was sort of talking to her again and people were respectfully coming up to her and asking her how she was. It was wierd considering how they were all treating her a few days before hand. Soon enough the bell went for the last quarter of school. Another lesson change. Kokona had a study period. She made her way to her locker alone and exchanged her books.

When she opened her locker, a crisp white envelope fell out. It was addressed to her. Her name written neatly in cursive dead center of the envelope. Kokona's heart fluttered as she carefully opened it.

It has to be from him! She thought excitedly as she slipped the note out and opened it.

Again written in the same neat cursive scrawl was the following:

Dearest Kokona,

Please meet me at the cherry blossom tree behind the school after school at 4:30.

There is something I wish to speak to you about.

Yours sincerely, Taro Yamada ♡

She was right. And she was so so happy. She wanted to scream and jump for joy. Ah she couldn't wait for her last lesson to end. She had completely forgotten about Ayano's warning.

Soon enough the bell went for home time and everyone rushed about excited to go home. Kokona however, took her time since she had 20 minutes to pass by. She stayed back in the library finishing off her assignment and shelving a few books.
After Kokona had packed up she checked the time.


It was time to go meet him. She smiled happily and hurried to the tree.

Kokona no Saigo no Kotoba (a Yandere Simulator fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now