Dear Allen,

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Dear Allen, 

I'll start this letter off by saying I'm sorry. I'm sorry I broke your CD player in your car that one time. I just can't stand Queen. I'm sorry I don't like the same music as you. I know you're into all that electric guitar and drums stuff but I'm more of a Beyonce person. I'm sorry for spilling Coke all over your shirt the first day we met. You have to admit yellow's not your color though. I might as well have done you a favor. I'm sorry I never got along with your cat. I'm more of a dog person, you know that. I'm sorry I ran over your foot with my bicycle. Although, I've hurt you much more than that, and I'm sorry for that too. I never meant to break your heart and I know you never meant to break mine either. I'm sorry I ran away from you that one night in the motel and I'm sorry I didn't return your phone calls for a week. I knew it was eating you alive but I couldn't bring myself to the phone. You know me, I'm an avoider. 

The thing is, you know me too well. My mom was joking last night when she said you know me better than I know myself, but it's true. You know me better than anyone and that's scary. You know what I'm thinking and you know what I'm about to do. 

Remember that day at the park? When I got stuck in the tree? You knew I'd be too scared to jump in your arms even though I trust you with my life. The thing is, I don't trust myself. And you know that too. So you climbed, no matter how much you hate heights, and you rescued me. I hate that. I hate how much you're willing to do everything for anyone. Maybe that's why we didn't work. Maybe it's because you're too good. 

I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I hate apologies. What's the point in apologizing for something if you meant to do earlier? But I really am sorry.

I guess I'm just sorry we didn't make it even though we were the perfect match. Maybe a little too perfect. 

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