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As I'm watching the news I hear the reporter give important information on a serial killer on the loose I walk over to the glass sliding doors and look out into my back yard only to see a man that matched the description the TV had just given I reached to the right and picked up the phone when I looked back up and saw he had gotten much closer and was grinning I look at the snow in the ground only to find that there's no footprints I gasp and realize its his reflection. I feel something sharp press against my back I want to scream so bad but he duck taped my mouth and threw a bag over me trying to move and gasp for air I hear muffled screams something was laying next to me could it be another person kidnapped just like me. The bags are pulled off I see other people that I know I stare at the sit I see ... My mother my father my brothers my sisters my boyfriend and best friend.

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