drip drop

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I pull the tape off my mouth and scream. I stumble as I run to my loved ones they begin to cry some of the killers minions run and pull me away then slamming me into the wall they begin walking around sewing our lips shut when they come over to do mine I push them off and try to fight back only to find that once my switches were in it only made
it worse form me I gasp as blood runs down my lips. I begin to realize my fate might be sealed.

The killer states "my is Devon naso but u can all call me Devon were gonna play a little game of hide and seek if u die your out the only things you can say is dead body or I found a dead body in witch if u say that the lights will come one ,you have to kill the first person you see that is if your card says murderer ,cheating kills you .y'all have fun now." As he smiles a crooked smile...

The cards are passed out as I look at my card ,I'm not the murderer I feel relived yet scared knowing few of my siblings actually care about me,I look at everyone and see my oldest brother staring right at me holding his weapon a screwdriver,my weapon was an ax feeling confident I look over at the rest of my siblings knowing only one of us can make it and there all willing to kill family to do so...

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