Players, Drama, and Pom-Poms part 2

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Players, Drama, and Pom- pomes!!

Kay guys...I kinda noticed that when you write a lot on's not a lot on this one is going to be a tad bit longer...hopefully! Lol...last chapter was a little boring so let's bring in some drama! Lol so here...chapter 2...enjoys...comment, vote, and become a fann! Luv ya!


"Merissa Gardener," I repeated for like the 3rd time! We were in the guidance office getting our schedules.

"Dexter and Miranda Gardener, is that correct?" This lady is so deaf!

"No Ms., my name is Merissa," I sighed. She went to the intercom and asked for two students from the 'SATH' club. Whatever that is.

"You two can go sit down over there while your peer buddy comes. It must be hard starting school in the middle of the year!" smiled Mrs. Whateverhernamewas.

I looked around at my surroundings. Now I knew why it was called Silver Melody High! The walls were full of music notes. Even the computers had black half note stickers on them! From a close room I could hear the soft whisper of a Beethoven CD. I got startled out of my trance by a sudden voice.

"Hi, I'm Brenda and this is Kayla!" said a preppy voice. I looked at the owner at the voice and saw a pretty girl with long strawberry blonde hair and cute freckles. Her legs were long without a single scab in sight and she had a bright smile that never needed braces. Kayla was a girl that was still short even with 5 inch heels strapped to her small feet with brown hair trimmed at her shoulders with bangs. She wore purple contacts and her hands were full of bangles. Both of them were wearing cute short black shorts with a white t shirt that had a music note and the school name.

"I'm the Junior SATH buddy and my BFF Brittani does the seniors but she's not here today. So our sophomore, Kayla will escort the 12th grader," she said with a smile. Dex wasn't even listening. He was too busy flipping through a global warming magazine.

"Dex goes with Kayla and I go with you," I laughed at my brother's pain when I kicked him in the shin.

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"So where did you come from?" she asked me. We were walking toward a wide breezeway full of kids and lockers.

"Maine," I said mindlessly.

"Well, right now we're in 2nd period."

I nodded. "So what is the 'SATH' club anyways?" I asked.

"It stands for student and teacher helper. Me and some of my friends joined. You get a lot of time off class so I convinced my boyfriend to join with me. Pretty soon all our friends joined," she laughed.

Brenda wasn't the spoiled bitch I thought she was gonna be...she was kind of nice. I just smiled at her.

Suddenly she got a big spark in her eye.

"Hey, you want to sit with us at lunch today?!"

"Um...I don't know...I mean my brother...Its all of us together." I smiled nervously. I promised myself that I was going to choose my friends carefully. At my old school a lot of drama happened. Now here I am already making friends with someone I hardly know.

"It's okay, he can come too. Now come on, I want you to meet someone."

I followed Brenda to the end of the hallway. A lot of people were saying hi and waving at her. Girls were staring either admiringly or jealously at her and the guys should have just brought a bucket and placed it under their mouths. But no matter how many people were staring at her, it didn't compare to how many looks I got. Guys were staring at me with a pained expression and the girls were looking at me from their vanity mirrors. I smirked. I don't like to show off but I don't like to lie either. I was beautiful and had a rocking body. Nothing compared to Brenda though.

We ended up stopping at an open locker and inside was one of the hottest guys I have ever seen. He was tall and had messed up brown hair. Under dark, long lashes were a pair of stunning grey eyes. He had a very muscular body that was noticeable through his tight t-shirt and he had a couple of freckles near his nose.

"Merissa this is Dustin he's my boyfriend, Dustin this is Merissa. She's new here" We exchanged our hellos shyly. Brenda smacked him in the back of the head for 'unnoticeably' checking me out. I looked in his locker and saw pictures of him and Brenda, him and his friends, and him. There were AP books (he's smart!) and a basket ball.

"You play basketball?" I asked shyly. I've never been shy around a guy in y life...why start now? Merissa! Get your head straight...he has a girlfriend...UGH!

"Um yeah...I do...maybe you should come watch me play sometime"

"Sure...I used to be a cheerleader back in your better than them all together!" I laughed. God that was cheesy...he just laughed.

"Merissa, you can cheerlead?"

"Yeah...I'm kind of rusty though."

"That's so cool...You want to try out with me after school?"

"Sure..." What the hell did I get myself into?

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All my classes went by super fast! I went to geometry, film, home economics, and life science in what seemed like seconds. Brenda was in most of my classes but Dustin wasn't...I found out he's a senior. I walked to my locker to drop off my stuff so I can go to lunch. While I was walking when a door opened suddenly and knocked me off balance causing me to fall backwards. I never hit the floor though because someone caught me from behind. I turned around to see Dustin. His eyes were glazed over as we stared at each other's eyes. It wasn't until someone coughed beside us that we broke out of our trance. As Dustin put me on my feet I saw those heels tapping the floor impatiently...Brenda!

"Oh...hey! see I was ju-"

"She was just going to lunch when that door got in her way and almost fell on her ass before I caught her," Dustin finished for me. I smiled thanks to him.

"Really...because that's not what I saw..."

" really think I would pick her over you," Dustin said with disgust. I didn't even hear what Brenda said next or what they did next because I was running. Running away from him and her. From my so called friends and my so called crush. I can't believe I used to like that creep. I ran all the way to the bathroom before the tears spilled out. I cried for Dustin, I cried for my dad all the way in Paris, shoot I even cried for my dog that died when I was 6. I was planning to stay in the stalls until after school. I stopped crying when I heard the bathroom door open.



I wonder who's calling Merrisa! I promise to uplaod faster!! Vote COmment and become a fan!

I need 50 votes and 30 comments for the next part...become a fan!!

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Jan 26, 2010 ⏰

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