Promise (Kindergarten)

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I stared at her for a few seconds before my mind processes what just happened, she already was half way across our vapid school lawn, wow she was fast and swift, something I've studied throughout this fleeting friendship.

"Turner! Are you coming?!,you have too tag me!" Hazel calls out urgently.

I break out of my daze, and take off running, keeping an eye on her, trying not to lose her in the gathering of other kids. Everyone was excited on this glistening day, and not because of the cooling weather, but the fact that this was the last day of kindergarten, and the rest of the primary grades.

For me, This year went by in a brisk, ever sense Hazel appeared at my side, she made my life much better, kept me occupied and alert. I still found my self too be flummoxed by her, she was so perfect and alluring, there aren't enough in my vocabulary too describe the way I feel about her. I guess my year went by fast because I thought of her constantly

My father told me that I was advanced in English sense I was a baby, that I had a way of describing something so vividly it's almost as it was a sixth sense.

What can I say, I only talk about things I like, and it's for certain I like my friend Hazel Frost.

I push these thoughts aside, for I was falling short of a few steps, after all, I wasn't very coordinated, I'd never been in sports before.

Before I can catch wind of what's going on, I realize I'm on the ground and covered in rock And dust, a bit of blood coming from my knees and hands, good job Turner.

"HAHA LOOK! Turner the toddler fell!"
"Ewww look at the blood! He's probably infected"
"What an idiot, he can't even run normal"
"He's such a freak, he should just die"
"No one wants you here Turner!"

I felt hot tears run down my face, as I shakily and leisurely tried to stand, when I feel a heavy foot press down on my back, I let out a soft agonizing groan as I close my eyes.

"Haha look at you Turner, all weak and helpless, too bad your girlfriend ain't here!"

Oh great I know who this is, out of all people it had to be him.


"Please let me go, all I did was fall, I didn't do anything too deserve this torment from you" I manage too croak out.

"What does that even mean you freak!?, Weston Guffawed in a husky voice, everyone continues too watch.

I still have my eyes closed as Weston's foot on my back becomes compressed harder against me, where is the teacher when you need one.

All of a sudden, the pressure is released off of me and I can ultimately breathe, and I can hear the kids start excitedly scream, some bellowed some hollered. I turn my head too see what's going on and I couldn't believe my eyes.

Hazel had Weston in a chokehold on the ground, her face in a disgusted grimace as Weston, was in shock, him continuously flailing on the ground. I finally stood up, still in minor pain, and took my chance too hobble over too the nearest school entrance.

I walk the lonely hallways, all the doors shut too the classroom's, the dull and despondent walls, being reminded that this was the last day I was going too see this place. A lot of memories happened in these halls, some choleric, some extraordinary, the ones with Hazel are the ones I'll remember the most.

"Shhh Turner we got too keep quiet, we aren't supposed too be out of class at this time, we could get in trouble". Hazel whispers so silently.

"But Haze, I have a distressing feeling about this puerile situation, what if a teacher comes out?" I shakily sputter.

"Turner use your little words and suck it up we will be fine!" "Just help me open these.

Hazel and I... Okay technically Hazel had a plan too empty all of the soap dispensers of there soap and dump it into the sink, hopefully too create a giant soap bath in the bathroom, but I reluctantly agreed too help her.

All Hazel had too do was untwist the weak latch from the dispenser, take the box of liquid soap out of dispenser, pour it into the sink, and turn on the water. Even I had too admit, this sounded fun.

"How much time left Hazel??" I silently enough call out too her.

"Only a few seconds, I just have too turn on the sink's, then it should work, but we got too quickly get out okay?".


I hear the steady flow of water from the other side of the door, sense I was keeping watch, I didn't see it happening but as soon as I heard the last faucet being turned on, the door slammed open, and our came a frantic Frost, determined too get away as fast as she could.


We both take off down the corridor and hoped too make it too our destination, we made it half way down the hallway when we heard a voice screech out.


Hazel and I both start laughing hysterically as we slow down too a halt right before our class door, we were both out of breath and as soon as we turned in, we realized no one else was in the class.

Hazel looks over at me with a cracked grin and we both break into a laughing fit again, and collapse too the floor in a rage.

"AHHH that was so fun! That' was the coolest thing I've ever done" Hazel shakily yet excitedly calls out, she was out of breath.

"What made it better was that my best friend was with me, thank you Turner for not telling on me"

We both look over at each other, noses almost touching, body heat in sync,and I'm still out of breath but I manage too whisper.

"You are welcome"

I smile back on the memory that happened months after our friendship formed, that was one thing I'd miss about this place.

Sudden realization hits me as I ponder back on what just happened too me, the minor pain I was in, what the kids did too be and how they can be so cruel. The smile fades from my face and is replaced with the flushed hot tears roll down my face.

"Why does everyone hate me... I'm so worthless and stupid " I begin to talk to myself, alone and afraid as I sit down against a random wall.

"I don't hate you"

I look up, tears invading my vision, but that silky honey voice is recognize anywhere makes me a bit better all ready.

"Here, I got you some napkins too help you clean up" she calmly replies, and begins wiping up at my knees and my hands, still not making eye contact with her.

"Hey Turner" Hazel replies sternly
"You are none of those things, I don't want too here you say that again, you are super smart and kind, the kids are just uh..... Jealous of you, but I want too let you know, id never lie too you, you are my best friend and I'll always be here for you no matter what, we will protect each other".

"Y-you p-Promise?" I Croak out

"I promise"

And for the first time in awhile, not matter what anyone said too me, what anyone ever did for me, Hazel Frost, my best friend told me something that is hard to believe but guess what.

I believe Her

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