One Fateful Night

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It was a Friday night and you had no plans so you had decided to go to a party your friend had mentioned.

It was nearly over and you were thinking of headed home when you felt someone tap your shoulder.

You turned around and found yourself staring at a troll. His fins gave away the fact that he was a seadweller and judging by the color of the emblem on his shirt, he was a high blood.

Tall, lightning shaped horns stuck out of greased back hair and an unlit cigarette sat between his lips. He had a leather jacket over top of a white shirt with an Aquarius sign on it.

He grinned at you and spoke, "Hey kitten, I couldn't help but notice howv pretty you looked, wvhat's your name?"

You smiled at the way he said his ws, it was kind of cute. "The name's [y/n]," you reply.

He smirks, "You knowv, my matesprite 's name is [y/n]," he tells you.

You raise an eyebrow, what was he talking to you for then? "Oh really?" You ask.

His smile grows wider, "Yup, but wve'vwe only just met."

You thought about what he said and laughed, "A pick up line? How original. You must be Cronus Ampora. Notorious playboy and the biggest flirt I have ever heard of."

He stares at you, "You'vwe heard of me?"

You shrug, "Of course, your father is Dulascar, the greatest pirate to ever sail the seas."

He seems to stand a little taller until you add, "Next to Mindfang of course."

He shakes his head, "You wvish."

"It's true," you retort, "Though when it comes to power the Condensce tops them both."

"You knowv quite a bit about our ancestors."

"Not really, I was just curious. Everything I know is from simple research, I don't know many trolls."

"Who havwe you met?"

You think about it for a moment, "Well, I ran into Meenah once at the pool and I met Mituna at a video game convention."

You smile at the memory, "He swears like a sailor but he's quite cute. There's also Tavros who I met while playing fiduspawn and Vriska who became my friend because of flarp."

Cronus nods, "I see you'vwe hung out with both us dancestors and our younger siblings."

"Well, you guys are older than me but they are younger than me so I thought, why not hang out with all of them."

Cronus grinned, "So [y/n], I must ask you, did it hurt, wvhen you fell from heavwen?"

You roll your eyes, "As if I haven't heard that one before. If you must know, I crawled out from the depths of hell."

Cronus didn't miss a beat, "That explains wvhy you're so hot."

You laugh, "Nice save, keep it up Mr.Ampora. I'll tell you a secret, I rather like seadwellers."

You check the time and sigh, "Well I should get going now but here's my trolltag," you grab his hand and write down your username, "Talk to me if you get the chance."

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