The Table

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Opening my eyes my senses are flooded with unfamiliarity. I'm surrounded by darkness my eyes straining to see anything in the new world around me. The stench of urine and blood fill my mouth and nose, stifling the vomit rising in my throat it dawns on me I am immobile. I am also not in my bed anymore. My voice is loud echoing off the walls in the darkness that envelops my body. "Hello, can anyone hear me?" Loud angry footsteps sound from somewhere out of my visions reach. a muffled voice sounds "It finally woke up, I suppose its time to start." The voice sounds like many people speaking at once in unison rather than one soul. Somehow I know it is only one person, only one man.

A white bright light blinds my eyes making me wince from the pain. Part of me knows better than to speak but against my better judgment, I speak. "Where am I?" I said my voice barely audible. "Silence monster, You are exactly where you belong!" the voices say. I am unable to see anything but the blinding light and if I had been able to move I know I would have coward in fear of this man. His footsteps sound to the right side of the table. "Do you know why your here?" the voices settle down and its only one, it sounds familiar. "N-no" I said barley able to stutter out. He turns my head and my heart races uncontrollably my eyes widening in fear when I focus on his face. Or lack of one, it looks like many people phasing through some I know some I don't recognize. "Your here because I created you into the monster you are today, and its time I right that wrong." He said a grin spreading across his face its to wide to many teeth.. He stepped away leaving me staring at his back unable to move my body so much as an inch nay a centimeter. he had a white apron on covering the front of his body and i could see the gloves covering his hands. I knew very well what he had planned for me.

Metal scraped against metal as i hear him picking up and setting down tools deciding which to use first. He sets them down and ponders his choice in weapon tapping his gloved finger against his chin. gasping as he sees his favorite tool he picks it up and makes his way back to the table. The ice cold blade of the scalpel grazes my skin cutting me below my right eye near my tear duct making it look as if i'm crying blood. Goosebumps spread across my body a cry stuck in my throat. "That looks so much better but still not enough blood, lets make you look like the monster you truly are." He said and dragged the blade across my eye. A scream erupts from my dry throat shattering the peace of the room. "Silence you filth!" he said shouting as he stuffed a blood covered rag in my mouth.

Getting back to work he began to slice small sections of her skin off her delicate face finding pleasure in her muffled screams. Once the skin is peeled from her face he looks into her eye the green taunting him with the memories of the past. He lets out an angry grunt as he stabs her eye the scalpel sticking out of her socket. She screams her body still immobile. "Don't look at me you disgusting creature, you know you deserve this." he said as he wretched the scalpel from her now empty socket. "This isn't nearly enough torture for you, but i'm afraid your life is fading." he said a sadistic tone in his voice.

She feels her arm move he wraps a band around it and prepares for what she knows comes next. The needle pierces her down to her vein. She feels the warm blood flowing back into her cold body as he starts on her again. This time slowly dragging the knife along her breasts. "This is your fault." he said as he continued down her body cutting her and gutting her like a fish. She prays for death but something is keeping her alive and it isn't his medicine.

He's now covered in her blood feeling sick to his stomach he feels the bile rising and cant control it as it spills out all over her fleshless body. "Damnit, this is your fault!" he shouted and slammed his fist on the table. "I don't need you anymore." he said. These words graced her ears and for a moment she though he would finally kill her. No that would be to good for the monster.

Everything fades to back.

I feel my body move and somehow I know i'm trapped, no longer immobile I remove the cloth from my mouth and bang my fists against what I assume is the cover of the coffin. Rapping my fists against the cover until they bleed shouting till my throat is gone. Slowly I feel my life force leaving my body along with my will to live. I whisper my final good bye as my eyes close for good. 

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