What Lies In The Forest

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The moonlight shined on the dark, ominous forest. Wolves howled in the distance. "Where on earth am I?" Kira slowly rose off the ground. She realized there was a flashlight next to her. She surveyed her surroundings. "This is not Chicago." Blood was rolling down her neck. She disregarded it as sweat and began walking. The leaves under her foot crunched as she searched for some sign of human life. "Hello, helloooo. Is anyone out there?" Kira stopped and turned around."Chris! Oh my god am I glad to see you." She hugged the air.

"Where are we?" She stood there silent for awhile. "Yeah that's a good idea. There should be someone around." After walking a little further into the forest Kira spotted a bright beckoning light in the distance. "Oh Chris, there's something over there. Come on." Kira began running in the direction where a strong light was sitting in the distance. "It's a truck!" Kira peered into the truck window. "Dang, no keys. Let's keep walking Chr--" Kira stared in shocked as she saw nothing there. "Chris! Chris! Chris where'd you go?" Kira wrapped her arms around her body and made her way through the forest. "I'm starting to get dizzy." She rested her back against a tree and slowly let her body drag down into a sitting position. 'What's happening to me?' Kira asked herself. Kira strained her eyes to see in the distance she could see something there or may be someone. She struggled to her feet and walked steadily over to where she thought she saw a woman. Placing her hands on each tree for balance, Kira was compelled to go to the tree. Instead a person she found a note. She looked up and saw something and realized she also found a noose. Kira read the note while having difficulty to steady her vision.

Nyx, mother of night, and Erebus, father of darkness. You had a daughter who feast on the blood of the dead mercilessly. She has came to earth, loomed over me in these woods watching me turn into prey as I bled. She's ready for me now as I write these last words. I will end this game before she does.

"Strange this person described the same thing I felt. But I'm not bleeding am I?" Kira inspected her body looking at her arms, chest, stomach, lower back, and stopped when she bent down to check her legs. "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Kira let out a horrible scream so loud all the birds flew from the surrounding area. Kira was lying on the ground on her back staring at a branch covered sky, crows flying over head, cawing. She began to see envisions of people above her. They were crouched in a circle around her. "What do you think we should do?" Said a boy panicking. "I don't know, let's get out of here." Said a deeper voice. "I told you it was a bad idea." Said a girl's voice, shaking. "Look, everyone knows that she was weird lets just leave her." Said another girl's voice coolly, but you could tell she was scared. The rustling of the leaves as the four ran was there and gone. Another shadow loomed over her head. "Chris," Kira said his name sweetly and softly. "I'm so sorry, I'm so so sorry." Chris was crying and his tears hitting her face. "Chris started running out into the distance and vanished. Kira touched the tears that fell on her face. Slowly it began to rain. Kira touched the back of her head as she sat up off the ground. When she brung her hand to her eyes to see it was covered in blood. The rain was coming down hard, coarse against her skin. The woman she saw earlier was in the distance. The woman came closer and impossibly closer each time Kira blinked. Kira curled in ball. She could hear whispers, a lot of them. It was like a million people saying the same thing at different speeds and tones. Kira began to cry and looked up abruptly in horrified shock. "Ker-res." the Keres was staring an inch from Kira's face when she smiled eerily revealing sharp menacing teeth.


Chicago Times

15 year old girl found dead in the middle of the woods

Police say that a teenage boy who will remain anonymous, came to the station and told them about an incident that happened Friday night. A group of four teens including him, took Kira Tsunami to the woods on the outskirts of town between Chicago and Champaign. He claims to have took no part in the act and gave the names of the four teens. Richard King, Tamashi Hiro, Brittney Turner, and Erica Shannon are all to be questioned with in these next few weeks.


"Hey Chris, who do you think you are going to the police on us, huh." Richard King stepped up to Chris, slamming his locker. "Just leave me alone Richard." "Leave you alone my ass. You, me, and the others are all going to go on a trip. Wouldn't you like to see your friend Kira again?" Chris looked at Richard in shock.


"Woo hoo, yeah!" Everyone was cheering and laughing. Chris was tied up in the back seat. When they finally pulled up to the same spot where they left Kira, they got out of their car and went past the yellow police tape. "Time for some Devine retributed violence." Tamashi threw Chris's body on the ground. Richard picked up Chris's face in his hand. "Here's for me." Richard brung his fist down on Chris's face. Everyone went around a circle taking turns. When it seemed that Chris was going to loose consciousness, something flew down over head scaring all the kids and sent them running. Tamashi hit the ground and stared. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." And scrambled off the ground running. Chris strained to make his body to turn around to see. Someone walked around and stared him in his eyes. "Kira?" Whispers flooded his mind and he understood. "Kira, you're a Keres. But how?" Kira drew a picture in the ground with her talon. It looked like a devil. "Devil? You made a deal with the devil?" Kira shook her head. "Hades?" Kira stroked Chris's face with her talons. And opened her mouth revealing sharp teeth.


The Chicago Times

16 year old boy found dead in the woods

It appears that the boy who went to police about Kira Tsunami was found in the same condition only this time tied up and beaten to death. Officials say that this could only have been the work of the guilty four teens from yesterday's report. They are going to be taken into custody very soon.


2 years later

Overhead of the woods, a girl was badly beaten by some guys and left to die. On the branches above, waiting, was her end.

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