Chapter 2

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Brooks pov:
I woke up to the sound of my alarm going off. I tried reaching for it but only falling off my bed in the process. "I'm so glad I live alone." I laughed at myself and got off the floor to take a shower. After that I got ready and headed downstairs. I got a strange urge to turn on the radio that I rarely used. I did and nothing was special. I grabbed the pancake mix out of the pantry and started preparing my breakfast. Soon, it was done and I Made myself a glass of orange juice. I sat at the island focused on my food when instead of another song playing it was the radio host talking about the guest he had with him. I ignored it and continued to eat my breakfast. I was perfectly fine drowning out the radio host. That was until I heard a name I hadn't heard in years. "I'm here with Brendon urie from panic! at the disco." I drowned out everything else. All I heard was his name. Everything else the guy on the radio said was ignored. I didn't need this now. I began walking towards the radio to turn it off, until I heard the familiar voice. As much as I wanted to turn the radio off, I couldn't. I stood there in the same position until another song started playing. I looked over to the oven clock. I ran out the door almost falling on my face. I drove as fast as I could and soon arrived at the music store. I got behind the counter and began my job. The day was really slow, only about 30 people came in. This was abnormal considering it was usually thriving. It was fine with me though. I could just stay on my phone most of the day, and still get a paycheck at the end of the week. I looked up from my phone as the bell on the door dinged, letting me know I had a customer. A tall guy walked in(well,tall to me). His hair was styled perfect, literally not a hair out of place. He was wearing black sunglasses and was dressed really nice. He was browsing through some records. He stayed looking through what seemed like hundreds of records. I had returned to scrolling through Instagram. I would have normally asked if they needed any help, but he looked like he knew what he was doing. He walked up to the counter and placed a record on the counter. Without looking up I spoke "Will that be all for you today?" I then looked up. The glasses had been removed and I looked into his eyes. I then realized the truth. I was staring into those beautiful brown eyes I used to get lost in. "Um excuse me, but do I know you?" I snapped out of my trance and realized I had been staring. nice going Brooklyn I thought to myself. "N-No I don't think so" I lied protecting my self from falling into the same trap I did 11 years ago. But I mumbled a yes under my breath,or so I thought. Turns out I said it out loud. An embarrassing habit I have had since high school. "I'm afraid that I don't know you." He spoke calmly. " I went to high school with you." I spoke. "I'm sorry but I don't recognize you from anywhere." He spoke looking confused. " I was your best friend." I spoke softly. I have to admit it stung. Did he really not remember me? He looked at me for a minute before he realized who I was. "Brook?" He spoke softly. "Hey Brendon." The conversation ended soon after that. I rang up the record he wanted. I placed it in a bag and he paid for it. When I handed it to him I noticed a wedding band. He was married? No No No No I repeated to myself. Wait why do I care? That was 11 years ago. He walked out without saying goodbye. I didn't blame him though. He knew from the way I looked at him, he had broken me. I wish that he knew all those nights I cried myself to sleep. Those days I didn't feel the need to move. I knew he had found someone when it hit one year. I then gave up. Slowly but surely I healed. Right now it felt like those wounds had been ripped open. I kept telling myself I didn't care. But I gave up the act. I locked up the store and got into my car. I sat there and cried for what seemed like hours.
"God, Brooklyn your so pathetic"
"Did you really think he would come back for you?"
"He never liked you"
"Your worthless"
"You deserve to die for wasting his time"

The voices returned. I haven't heard them since high school. They were never this bad. "SHUT UP" "SHUT UP" "SHUT UP" I screamed at the top of my lungs. I didn't realize how loud I was. Until I saw a figure approaching the car. I froze terrified of who it could be. I would have locked the door in a heartbeat but I couldn't move. The voices got stronger. I squeezed my eyes shut and put my hands to my ears. "GO AWAY" I cried. I no longer cared who it was. The car door was jerked open. I didn't open my eyes. I didn't care about anything at that moment. I just wanted the voices to leave me alone. I heard a familiar voice. "BROOKLYN STOP" they screamed. I opened my eyes but my hands were still placed on my ears. I was greeted with the last person I wanted to see. Brendon stood in front of me. The voices were even louder now. I just wanted to go home. I felt hands on my shoulder. "Brooklyn, look at me, look at my eyes" I listened to him and stared into his eyes. "That won't work Brendon they are too strong" I was still yelling. I was then silenced by someone's lips. The familiar sparks shot through me. He quickly pulled away. "Oh my god, I have to go" he said in panic and stormed down the street.

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