First day of prison

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Everyone in the story is going to be the same age they are all 17

They say life gets harder when you're older and the fun stuff is just for kids!!!! I know it's weird alarm is hit or miss.  I wake up sadly and look for an outfit but after 10 minutes I can't find one a have a 20 minutes breakdown and finally find the perfect one and put it on and then I do my hair 👇👇👇

  I wake up sadly and look for an outfit but after 10 minutes I can't find one a have a 20 minutes breakdown and finally find the perfect one and put it on and then I do my hair 👇👇👇

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,,Then I drive to school senior year is all I keep saying in my head

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Then I drive to school senior year is all I keep saying in my head. So I pull up to to a parking spot and notice an unfamiliar  car next to mine. So I get out and and I look for Maria as usual she is with Hunter they are making out since they haven't seen each other much in the summer they have been together since freshman year btw they are Goals! So I shove them apart and pull Maria inside to the hall and we look down the hall and see Ariel and Loren our other best friends and we have been bestfrenns since 6thh grade so we are bestfrenn goals!! But any way just in case your were wondering Maria as you know is with hunter and Loren is with Brandon Ariel with Zach (even though they broke up😭)  Arii with Mark and well me I just got out of a relationship with my ex Ricky we were dating since 6th and we just broke up a week before school started this year it was horrible almost 7 years I caught him cheating he's the fuckboi of school now. But anyway not the story! So after all my best friends and their bf''s finished there make out session me and the girls went to 1st and luckily all the boys had the class with us too Mark has been like my brother since 4th grade so me and him always talk

______________end of school

We all headed to marks house after and me and him are neighbors so when everyone got together it was time we got on Zachs broadcast and everyone got in and we were all answering questions but one that caught my attention was "are Mark and Jalee dating btw ily all sm!😂💘" so I was hoping no one noticed it was just because me and him were sitting together and laughing...and just my luck Arii saw it and got up moved to Mark and sat on his lap and made out with him and pulled his hair and he Moaned the rest of us were shocked and just kind of tried to look at the broadcast and not focus on that! Finally they finished and we got back to answering fans

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~even though no one will read this I'm having fun

If there is someone reading could you please give suggestions I would love to hear

XOXO, Tee😘

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