new beginings

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I look through the slip and it's the classes I have during the school year

"What's yours say?" Logan says looking at my slip

"Just the classes I have, do we have any together?" I say looking at his

"We have lunch together"

"Yes dumbass we all have same lunch period" I giggle

"Uh we have first period,second period, and seventh period" Logan says

"Great, I'll be alone most of my classes" I roll my eyes

"Hey, at least we have 4 periods together" he says wrapping his arm around my shoulder

I build up some strength and walk inside, all I can see is a bunch of people walking and crowding the halls with there friends.

"This is a lot to get used too" I say under my breath

"Let's go find out lockers little sis" he says walking over to the main hallway

"I'm not little, I'm the same age" I groan

I try to find my locker 237B, but it's hard too if everyone is crowding the place.

"Ah there it is" I try to dial in my locker combo, but the locker wouldn't budge open

I try kicking it but it still wouldn't open

"You must be the new girl?" a random guy says next to me

"Yeah, this locker is being a jerk"

"Let the master do it" he says pulling up the lever,on top of the dial

"The dials never really work in the first place, they haven't fixed it for months" he chuckles

" then why have a dial then" I say bending down to put in my supplies

"I guess it's just for decoration, I never really know the answer too" he chuckles

"That's so stupid" I giggle

I never really like talking to boys, ever since my last broke up. It really hurt me and I never wanted to be in a relationship for awhile.

"what's your classes, maybe I can help you out if ya want" he says picking up my schedule

"ah we have all our morning classes together" he says handing me my slip

"cool, I'll be seeing you around then" I say getting up and closing my locker

"what's your name anyways?" I say looking into his hazel eyes

"Juwany but I like to be called Geo, what's yours?"


"well Megan, welcome to Ridge Mind High, as known as drama school"

"Why do you call it that?"

"Everyone here believes in all the rumors and gossip and social media, never believe anything you here" he says with lust in his eyes

"I'm not a big fan of gossip anyways"

The bell rings and it's time for me to go off to my first class, I'm not a big school person at all, and I struggle with a lot of subjects.

"I guess it's time for me to show you to first period" he says leading me to room 402

I walk in and mostly everyone picked there seats, Geo already had his seat picked so he sat there. I walked to the back of the class and sat. I never really talk anyways, so I guess this is a good thing.

I saw my brother walk in and he sat right beside me.

"Welcome to a new year" the teacher says

"My name is Mr.Jenkins, I'll be your biology teacher for the rest of the year" he writes his name on the chalk board

Mistaken; j.m.r.s Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant