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Chapter 27:

I didn't know what to do, all these tears and sobs began to make me feel anxious. I've never had anyone lay out their feelings to me like this, I wasn't sure what the right way to respond was.

So I hugged her.

I mean, that's what people in the books I've read do, so I couldn't go wrong right? She collapsed into my arms, eagerly accepting the support being offered to her body that had become weak from her tears. Her sobs grew ear piercingly loud, breaths began less frequent as her body raged for more oxygen. My sweatshirt now damp from tears, I tried my best to prop her up so she could have a better time filling her lungs with air.

"Hey, I know it's really hard right now, trust me I know." I began rubbing little circles along her back, "But it's going to be okay."

She looked up at me, eyes glossy with unshed tears, "Ho-How do you know that?"

I gave her a small, sad smile, "Because it always is, but only if you make it so. You have the opportunity to change those who surround you and how they perceive you. It's all up to you to decide who you want to be seen as."

For once, in all the time I've known her, she stayed silent.

So I continued, "Of course you can't please everyone." I spoke slowly, words forming into thoughts I've never considered to be true until my earlier conversation with Nate, "But you can please yourself, and isn't that what truly matters?

"I'm sure this sounds silly to hear, especially coming from me, but you have to trust your family. Talk to them, and give them the benefit of the doubt that they will still love you, no matter if you're wearing a pink skirt or black combat boots.

"You can't expect a smooth change, it'll be a culture shock to everyone around you, but it'll grow on them. This is about you, don't be anybody else but yourself. If some boy doesn't like all that you have to offer, then don't waste your time," I wiped at her tears with my dry hand. "Or your tears on him.

"You don't need someone in your life that will treat you any less than what you are, a badass warrior princess." I gave her a playful nudge as a reluctant laugh bubbled out of her mouth.

"If I show you something, will you promise not to tell anyone?" I asked her, sending her a no nonsense look.

Rose perked up, wiping at her puffy eyes, nodding eagerly. Waiting.

I glanced around to be sure no one else was around before I rolled up my sweatshirt to reveal my sports bra. Rose already looking confused. I pushed up the band of my sports bra on my right side just a little bit to reveal my small black ink tattoo.


It wasn't perfect, the lines weren't as clean as I had hoped but what else was I to expect from a tattoo shop that allowed minors to get tattoos, especially without consent from a parent or guardian. I'm just lucky it didn't get infected. It's something I'll have to get touched up when I'm able to do it by myself, with a respectable artist.

Rose let out a small gasp, reaching out to touch it, as if to clarify its authenticity of a tattoo. Her finger running along the tattoo and returning to the semicolon.

"Is that a semicolon?" She questioned, removing her hand from my side.

I nodded.

"But, why? What is that supposed to mean?"

I fixed my sports bra and sweatshirt before answering, "A semicolon is used when a sentence could've been ended, but it wasn't."

Rose nodded, slight confusion still shown in her naïve eyes, "Okay but what does that have to do with-" She stopped mid-sentence, eyes dancing with a look of surprise. "No." She whispered.

I looked away, refusing to meet her eyes, not proud of my past. But I nodded. "I-I wasn't in a good place before I came here, things weren't going well for me, it was hard. And I was losing hope." I explained vaguely.

I knew she wanted to press, but she seemed to think better of it, choosing to stay silent instead.

"In a world that tells you who you should be, it's your job to rise above the judgement and shine through your dark days. Because no one else can do that for you. This is a fight or flight world. And it's your decision to make." I finally met her eyes again, eyes that were searching for answers, direction.

"We all have a long, tough road in front of us and we have no way of knowing where we'll end up, but we can choose how we get there. And it's my goal to live without regrets. Will you be a warrior?"

A/N: It's a bit short I know, but this felt like a good place to end the chapter. 

How do you feel about Rose now? I know she's gotten a lot of hate in past chapters, but has she changed your perspectives now?

And don't worry, your beloved Harrison boys will be back soon!


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