Turn for the worst

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The family of children who were poverty stricken were by now the wealthiest people on earth after just ten 10 years of bloodshed, sweat and tears. The siblings had passed owners of oil companies, inventors and also successful engineers in the race called life making them the most successful people on earth, but with success comes responsibility and with responsibility comes chaos and the Sanderson Mafia had they're own deal of chaos. It all began late one Saturday night.
Before wealth the siblings had to sell drugs and deliver large sums of money to drug dealers in and around they're town one Tuesday afternoon they all stole the money in which they should of delivered and also drugs and they moved to Madison Cove which was about two hundred miles away from Jackson's Lake where they previously resided they rented an apartment and sold off all the drugs they stole and saved half of it for emergencies and used the other half for food and clothing. late one Saturday night James who was the youngest brother got a call from they're old boss he cursed for two hours straight going on and on about stealing while at the same time saying trust quotes repeating one quote twice it was rather tiring listing to him yap about the siblings stealing his drugs and money but james thought he owed him respect from making them who they were because it was in fact his drugs and money that they lived off. James was tired of being called a thief over and over by Henry they're previous boss so he hang up on Henry without hesitation. Henry was proud of them all but was also disappointed every time he remembered how they stole from him, Henry had a gang which was small but was more powerful and brutal because the members were ex military.

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