Red, White, and Taboo

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As soon as Germany dismissed the countries after the world meeting, France picked up his notes and approached America and England, who were once again arguing over the correct word for eggplant. America used eggplant, and England used aubergine. France found it flattering, the fact that the Brit's language had so many stolen French words. Though England would deny it mercilessly, twenty eight percent of English was actually French.

"Amèrique! Angleterre!" France called out, stepping in between them as they bickered like an old married couple. The two stopped glaring at each other and looked up at France, who was holding his hotel key card in his hand.

"What?" the two asked simultaneously, looking slightly annoyed that France had interrupted their debate. 

"If you two English-speaking idiots would like to join me in my room I have a few bottles of wine and a lot of time to kill." France suggested, cocking in eyebrow as he waited for a response. Though the three argued like crazy, they did enjoy hanging out with each other. The three could often be found over each other's houses for drinks or movie nights. It was quite a strange relationship, but they always had fun. The only problem was the that the three always forgot to invite Canada.

"I've got nothing better to do. What about you, America?" England responded. 

"I can't." America replied simply.

"Why?" France and England asked in unison, wondering what the hell the American could be doing in the middle of Berlin that was better than getting tipsy with his closest allies. 

"Because." the American shot back, sounding slightly suspicious. 

"Because why?" England pestered, eyebrows furrowed at the shady American who was slowly but surely inching away from the two.

"I have to catch up on some work. Have fun though." America explained, giving a sheepish smile and a wave before turning and quickly walking away from the two. France and England both watched him go, and then turned back to look each other. 

"What the bloody hell was that?" England questioned, eliciting a shrug from France. 

"Maybe he doesn't want to hang out with us in fear that your eyebrows will come off your face and try to eat him." France teased.

"Piss off." England growled, jabbing France in the rib with his elbow. France laughed before checking his watch. 

"It's nearly 8 o'clock. Time for wine!" France exclaimed, gesturing for England to follow him. England took a moment to gather his notes before the two made their way back to the hotel France was staying at. 


As soon as the two arrived in France's hotel room they sat down and opened a bottle of wine. Pouring two glasses, France took one for himself and then handed one to England. The two clinked glasses and said their cheers before taking a few sips. Sighing, England set his wine glass down.

"It's so quiet without America. Who's going to chug an entire bottle of wine if he's not here?" the Brit asked, looking slightly dissapointed.

"We don't need America to chug an entire bottle of wine. We can do it ourselves." France responded with a smirk on his face. England furrowed his brow in confusion and Francis got up and got another bottle of wine. Opening it, he took a large swig and swallowed, much to the Brit's surprise. 

"Here, you finish this one." France suggested, handing the previously opened bottle to England. England looked horrified for a moment before shrugging and taking a sip. France cheered him on and the two continued to chug the wine, drowning their boredom in expensive French wine. 

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