Chapter 4

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I stared at the screen until my eyes turned blurry.

It didn't really occur to me that anyone would add me on Facebook.

But I was surprised that Hijikata Sensei would add me too.

I was thinking of declining the teachers as it is not professional of them to add me.

But when I looked at Heisuke mutual friends, he also had the teachers.

They all did.

So with that information in mind, I accepted them.

But I would have to wait till the next day and see how the events will unfold.

(The next day)

I walked to school slightly more nervous than the day before.

But I didn't have to be as I saw a familiar face.

It was Harada Sensei.

He smiled when he saw me.

"Oh hey Chizuru, how are you today?

How can he smile so early in the morning?

"I'm fine sensei" I smiled.

Harada sensei ruffled my hair and chuckled.

"You remind me of a cute kitten".


I was about to protest when Saito came over to us.

"Please stop touching your students like that sensei".

Harada sensei sighed.

"Taking your job seriously as always".

Saito ignored him and took told of my arm and dragged me away from sensei.

"I was told by your brother to keep an eye on you" he stated blankly.


Well I guess that would explain his pushiness.

He even went far to escort me to my classroom.

I thanked him and took my seat.

Next to my seat was Okita and he grinned when he saw me.

"Looks like Chizuru got herself a little boyfriend" he cooed.

I sighed.

I didn't bother to answer him back as sensei arrived.

It was a man in glasses who had a lab coat on.

I guess he is the science teacher.

Hmm, what was his name again?




Oh I remember now.

It was Sannan sensei.

Anyway the class went ahead and to be honest it was really boring.

I nearly fell asleep but then remembered I am in class.

When class finished Okita went on ahead saying he must find Heisuke.

So when I was heading out of the classroom, Sannan sensei called out to me.

"My my Chizuru, It would seem I need your assistance".


"Of course sensei, what would you need help with?

Sannan sensei grabbed a pile of books and handed them out to me.

"I would need you to deliver this to Hijikata sensei for me.


I gulped.

Why me and why Hijikata sensei.

He hates me and he is going to be mean to me.

But I can't say no to Sannan sensei has he is the teacher and I am the student.

So I smiled and said I will go right away.



I felt like I walked for ages when I saw Hijikata sensei classroom.

What do I say to him?

Why did you add me on Facebook?


So many questions to ask and so little time.

I was about to knock when I heard some talking inside.


I shouldn't eardrop but I swear I thought I heard my name being said.

It sounded like two males.

I peeked through the open door and saw it was the principle of the school.

Kondou sensei.

"It's a bad idea having a girl in this school Kondou, we need to transfer her somewhere else".

I sighed.

Of course this conversation is going to be about me.

Kondou laughed.

"How can you say that when she is your fiancée".



I nearly shrieked but controlled myself.

What is going on?

Hijikata sighed.

"It's like I want my fiancée to be a high school kid".

"Well she is 18 and once she leaves high school things need to be sorted out" Kondou said.

My heart was beating really fast.

This feeling is weird and I don't feel disappointed that I would have to marry Hijikata sensei.

But naturally things in life are complicated.

"I will not marry a high school kid and anyway she is ugly".


For a teacher to say that I was loss for words.

I just stood there as my tears were starting to come out.

Why do I feel so upset by his harsh words?

Yep I had no idea what I was writing and just making it up on the spot. Thanks to you guys staying patient to someone like me but I feel like I will be busy in the next few months. Starting university and moving out next month so yeah :(

Anyway if you liked this story I also have a account where you can find my other stories. Those stories are on-going as well and I'm slowly updating them all.

Username is: bonnyrockchic

Have a nice day :)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2016 ⏰

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