Phoenix Drop

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Katelyn P.O.V

I was running I could see Zane and his guards running  after me.I hided behind and tree and seen a blue sword, I picked it up.I looked to seen if they were gone. Then I heard someone say "Hello?",their voice was deep.I start to walk slowly were the voice was coming from then soon I seen sign which said Phoenix Drop.I Walk in and seen a village.I feel pain I place my hand  on my stomach were I was stab by Zane.

Aphmau P.O.V

I was walking through the town with Garroth and Laurence and Dante when I seen a blue hair girl with blue eyes and a blue sword.I run over to her.
"What happen follow me" I said. I take her to were the boys live who are Dante, Travis, Laurence,Garroth.I lay her down and heal her."Now you can clean yourself up and go to the guards they have questions to ask you cause we have never seen you about here I you might be here for a attack."I said calmly.
L=Laurence G=Garroth D=Dante

L=How did you get here
Garroth cuts me off by taking his sword out and putting it to my neck and saying."Are you working with Zane are you his guard..tell me!?"

Hey guy thanks for reading, part two will be out soon snd hope you enjoy it, stay awesome!

Garrlyn(Garroth x Katelyn) An Aphmau MCD fanfic Where stories live. Discover now