My Romeo Sucks. Literally.

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What was wrong with me?

I don't know.

All I know is.. I'm changing. 

A random tattoo showed up on the back of my right shoulder a few days ago. It was a rose. A black rose. I was thoroughly creeped out, but then I realized that I had gotten drunk the night before, so maybe I'd gotten it done? I've always wanted one like it.

The tattoo may have creeped me out. But what completely freaked me out was what happened tonight. Alicia and I were getting ready to go to a party. She told me to clasp her necklace. As she brushed her hair out of the way, I felt a pull towards her exposed neck. For some reason, I wanted, no needed to bite her neck. To drink what was running through her veins.

I looked at the mirror in front of me and saw two sharp fangs instead of my normal teeth.

I did what any normal person would do I screamed.

And ran.

I heard Alicia call after me, but I didn't look back. I couldn't. I ran, I ran to the forest. I know this maybe seem hard to believe but the darkness calmed me down.

I had always been afraid of the dark but right now I welcomed it. That's the last thing I remember darkness.

I awoke in my bedroom, and here I stand in front of the mirror looking at myself. I definitely looked different.

My dark red hair, which was always fizzy now lay limp against my scalp. It was completely straight, which was very unusual, since I had wavy hair. My eyes, which were a dull blue before were now a deep shade of blue, almost purple. I gasped touching my face. My skin which was usually oily, was now smooth as a baby's.

I knew this had to do with the mysterious appearance of the tattoo on my shoulder. I stripped off my shirt and turned glancing back at the mirror only to see that the black rose, wasn't black anymore.

It was red. Each petal of the rose was blood red. I use the phrase blood red because not only was it that shade, but it had a liquid dripping from it which looked very much like blood.

I gasped in horror.

What was happening to me?

You're becoming a vampire. & Just like your dead parents and siblings. I will kill you..


My Romeo Sucks. Literally.Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant