Chapter 15

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"I'm so proud of you!" Yolanda clapped on our way to the bathroom. We decided to skip second period English because we had a little makeup emergency that needed taking care of.

"Yo! You and Mikey are so cute together!"

"Lower your voice a teacher might hear us."

"Oh sorry," she whispered when we entered the bathroom "but what about Zach?"

"Zach who?"

She laughed and gave me a high five "that's what I'm talkin about girl!" I shook my head feeling like a thousand bucks. Pulling out my eye liner I narrowed my eye and began tracing it when I glanced over at Yolanda running her pink lip gloss over her lips.

"Can I use some of that?"

"Sure girl, it's limited edition you know?"

A hysterical laugh escaped my mouth "limited edition of what? The pharmacy?"

She laughed and playfully pushed my arm "how did you know?" I returned her push as we laughed aloud.

"What about you and Kevin?"

"Hmm what about us." She returned back to glossing her lips.

"I see the chemistry between y'all two."

"You're obviously imagining things."

"What? No I'm not, I saw you guys laughing and rubbing up against each other."

She chuckled "yo Danni, I'm with your brother."

"But who's to say he's with you?"


"What?" She calmly placed her lip gloss onto the sink counter. "Is there something you wanna tell me Danni?"

Damn. I just put myself in the worst position ever. I already promised my brother not to tell her about the girls he's been with, but Yolanda is my girl. Maybe I can beat around the bush.

"Are you trying to tell me that Kyrie is cheating on me?"

I raised my hands in defense "all I'm saying is you should check those lies next time you ask him."

"So he has." She threw the lip gloss at the mirror and slammed her fists onto the counter. "He told me that loyalty meant everything to him! Yet he does this to me? Am I not good enough to hold him down? Wait." She lifted her shirt and pulled at her hip skin "Oh I get it, I'm too fat for him. I'll just rip the fat off then!"

"Calm down Yolanda," I grabbed her hands and held them in mine as her head hung low. Her tears were falling endlessly now and I felt kind of bad because it was technically my fault for making her feel that way. "we both know that you're just as skinny as me. There's no way it'd be because of that."

"Danni your supposed to be my girl and you kept this from me." A sob escaped her mouth when she crashed into my arms.

"I'm sorry Yolanda." We fell onto the ground when I swiped a tear from my eye. I'm going to have to redo my eyeliner.

"He promised me everything! He said we'd raise a family once I turned eighteen and graduate from high school."

I rubbed her hair and sat in silence as she ranted on about my brother. It's sad because everyone knew he was a lying ass cheater and they told her not to get involved with him, but she was already in too deep. Now she's fallen in love and her heart is broken. Why would she believe those lies from his mouth anyway?

"Yolanda you are a beautiful woman. You have no idea how many guys would kill to have you right now."

"I did sort of start having feelings for Kevin, but I didn't want to break Kyrie's heart, but look at me now."

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