Chapter 7

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The boys were onstage singing “Unpredictable.” It was one of my favourite songs they had written; it always made me want to dance around and sing at the top of my lungs.

Hey, we’re taking on the world

I’ll take you where you want to go

I watched from backstage. Michael seemed oddly giddy, and Luke was so pumped. I loved when he would smile at the audience; I felt so proud. Calum was smiling nonstop. His cheeky expressions were clearly seen where I was standing; I even caught a wink coming my way, and I blew a kiss in return. But my favourite part of the show was watching Ashton banging on a drumset for all of his fans. I was so glad he joined the band because they were so good for him. He was coming out of his shell and enjoying himself.

After the show, I was welcomed by many hugs.

“You did so well tonight, Ash!” I screamed as he swept me up in a sweaty, but much appreciated embrace.

I then turned to Calum, who was playfully pouting behind me. 

“Wheres my hug?” he whined.

“You don’t get a hug,” I replied, but then I quickly pressed a kiss to his lips. “You get something better.”

He leaned down to kiss me again, and he wrapped an arm around my waist as my hands held his shoulder tightly.

“Ugh, couples,” Luke said as he passed us by, sipping from a cold water bottle. “Hey, have any of you guys caught Michael yet?” 

“No, why?”

“Well, I’ve been trying to hunt him down since the show ended, but I can’t find him anywhere. Do you know where he might be?”

Calum and I exchanged glances. We both knew he was with someone, judging by the necessity of his special socks earlier that night, but we just didn’t know who.

“I think he’ll turn up soon, don’t worry,” I shouted back to him.

“So what do you guys say we go back to the hotel and order pizza?” Ashton suggested.

We were all in agreement, so after we found Luke and said farewell to everyone helping us out on the tour, we went back to the hotel.

Luke reached his room before we did, but as soon as we tossed our shoes off, we heard a knock on our door.

“Luke, what’re you doing?” Ashton asked,

“Good news, Michael’s in the room. Bad news, he has... erm... company.”

I let out a hearty laugh, “Could you tell who it is?”

“No, but she was short and had brown hair, if that helps any.”

None of us recognised her by the description, anyways. 

The pizza arrived at around midnight, and that was when we started arguing over what movie we wanted to watch on the laptop Ashton brought with him. After two slices of pizza each, an argument about cats’ inability to shout, and a hell of a lot of rock paper scissors, we decided to watch Batman. It was Luke’s idea, and I wanted to watch the Amazing Spiderman, but it was an alright compromise.

It was possibly the best night of my life. Eating pizza and watching movies with my boyfriend and two best friends sounds like a perfect night to me. I remember at about 1:30, Calum was asleep, and Luke was still watching the movie intently with him. Ashton and I switched to the other bed and started talking.



“How much do you like Calum? I mean, I don’t want to sound like a prick, but how much do you-”

“I like him a lot, Ashton. You should know that.”

He sighed and laid back on the mattress, “I know. I can’t help but feel really protective, you know? You’re my sister and Calum’s my friend, and it’s my job to be the annoying big brother. I’m not gonna let you get into trouble or get hurt.”

I laughed at his response. I was glad to have a brother like him. Always there for me, looking out for me. I couldn’t imagine life without him.

“Sing me the song?” I asked him as I lied down with my head at the foot of the bed.

Don't let your heart cry

You know I'm by your side

No matter where

No matter when

I will always let you in

To hold you tight

And sing this every night

I fell asleep after he sang the first part.

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