Chapter 8

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Song of the chapter - bring me to life evanescence
Hey guys
Thanks for reading chapter 8
I don't know if your reading this but I wanna say thanks for 500 reads
I was happy when I got 50
I always wanted to become and author so this brings up my hopes
Thanks minna
Yours truly,
Shu p.o.v
It's been a month since Yui got kidnapped.
The mukiamis are off the face of the planet and can't be found any where.
But other then that , ever since then she's been training non stop
She's doing everything perfect but she won't stop it's crazy and no matter who tells her to stop or rest Yui brushes them off
Reiji said to give her time because she's probability upset that she was kidnapped thinking that she was weak.
But I think it's what Atamis did to her.I was told that Yui was looking through her memories.
Seeing her family's death replay in her head.
When Yui was a child feeling weak watching It happen .
Like always I went down stairs to the training room to make sure she was ok
As I walked down the long hallway to the room I herd a slapping like noise
Continuing walking until I saw Yui her long jet black hair was pulled into a high pony tail
She wore a black tank top and black yoga pants around her hands she had bandages
Yui was repeatedly punching a punching bag until she punched it so hard it fell off its chain and flew across the room.
Slowly I walked into the room
" Yui " I said loud enough to get her attention
She turned her head and looked at me
" yes "
" you should stop and rest if you continue like this your energy will die out"
She let about a breath " ya I guess your right " Yui said as she walked up and grabbed her weapon belt
She turned around but I quickly got up with my vampire speed and pined her to the wall
I moved my face centimetres to hers and was moving in until I stopped our noises where touching my hands where in her hair.
" Shu " she asked
" Yui this is all so pointless making us worry for no reason we care for you ,leaving us and now this you can't do that " I said
She nodded " I'm sorry " she barely whispered
" I just " she try to finish but I cut her off
" feel weak " I finished
Her pale blue eyes stared into mine
Her light pink lips slightly parted
I smirked in my mind as I moved my lips to hers clashing them into mine
Slowly she wrapped her arms around my neck as my hands held her head
I pulled away slowly and looked into her eyes I could tell she was shocked
" Shu " she asked
I pulled her into my arms " don't ever feel that your weak and unwanted because I'll be there I care for you we all do "
She nodded into my shoulder " ok I won't " Yui said as I pulled away
" now come on let's go " I said while stuffing my hands in my pockets and smiling
She smiled back and caught up to me
" thank you Shu for well that " Yui said
I smiled well more like smirked and slowly turned around " for what this " I said while pinning her to the wall again and smashing my lips onto hers yet again my hands tight around her waist her arms around my neck.
We pulled away at the same time
She had a smile on her face " ya I guess " answering my former question.
I smiled, I actually think I'm in love
Yui p.o.v
It was storming really bad
Rain thunder every thing it was like a small hurricane
I was in my room with a towel wrapped around my body tight I was putting on my clothes for sleep
A pair red of plaid baggy pants and a navy blue camisole.
Pulling my hair up I put on my glasses and was about to go get a snack but when I opened my door I saw Ayato he looked sad or angry the lightning illuminated his face
" is something wrong " I asked he said nothing but crash his lips on to mine my eyes went wide
Eventually I closed my eyes
Slowly he pulled away and wrapped his arms around me tight
" I think I love you " he said quietly into my ear
His breath ticking my cheek I felt my face heat up
" Ayato since when " I asked quietly
" ever since you went missing with you gone I realized I need you with out you I'm alone "
He pulled away from the hug " I want you think about my offer Yui " Ayato said while he slowly turned around walked out and closed my door.
I stood there
And gently touched my lips I still felt his warmth walking to my bed I turned off my light
I don't know who to pick I can't though just pick one but none would be just as cruel
I looked into the darkness well maybe I would figure it out
next midnight
Hey me again I just want to say
Some shits about to go down in the story
Major plot twist well not really
The next part I'm thinking of basing off the manga with a few changes
If it's a fan art not a manga I'm sorry I didn't know
But other wise that's about it
Preview for next chapter
" witch one "
" I can't pick one of you guys it's like betraying the other "
" Cordelia your finally in my grasp again "
" I killed you parents they took away something from me so it's now payback "
" I'm sorry Cordelia but revenge is a horrible thing

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