doflamingo x reader

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"Honestly, Doflamingo! You are such a reckless piece of garbage!"

You huffed as you let the huge man into your house.

"Fufufufu~ Are you worried~?" He cooed.

"AS IF!!" You growled and sat him down and carefully took his coat and bloody shirt off. He was covered in wounds and bleeding, to death hopefully.

Well not really. You would never admit but you loved his stupid ass.

"You're a king, why not have your men patch you up?"

You asked as you started to clean his wounds.

"I don't want anyone else to see me weakened." He hissed in pain.

"What makes me any different?"

"Because you, my dear, are mine~" He smirked and caressed your cheek.

Your heart skipped a beat and you cleared your throat.

"I'm not one of your little toys, your charm won't affect me." You informed.

"I don't try to charm anyone. They come begging to me. But you, you're different."

You could feel him staring at you through his pink shades.

"Only pimps wear shades inside" You joked.

"I'd say I certainly look the part" He chuckled.

"Yes that amount of pink is unnecessary. what are you, a flamingo?"

You laughed as you bandaged up the tall bastard.

This was something normal to you. Each time he would get injured he would come straight to you, asking for help. It had been many years now. Starting from Roger's execution all the way to now. You used to hate his guts but as time passed on you slowly got caught in his strings and became one of his little puppets.

Your thoughts were interrupted by him touching your hand. You looked at him and saw him looking at you with a very serious look on his face.

"Be my queen." He ordered.

"HAH! I didn't know it's April Fools already!" you laughed nervously. Surely the king of Dressrosa wouldn't be asking an ex-bounty hunter and burglar to become his queen, right?

But no. He didn't laugh. He just stared at you seriously.

"You can't be serious" You shrugged him off.

"I don't joke about such things."

"What makes you think I would say yes?"

"You either say yes, or I will make you say yes" He grinned.

You shuddered and avoided looking at him. He could be very intimidating, and that was so damn sexy.

"I'll go with you so I can rob your place~" You joked.

"As long as you go with me, I will give you everything you want." He placed a gentle kiss at the back of your hand.

What was his game? Why now? Why you? Well, one way to find out.

You knew you can't deny him what he wants. He is a spoiled brat that will get what he wants using any means necessary. How do you know that? Well, You were after his head at first. He had a fat bounty after all. But you got caught in his little spider web. You found him injured and passed out and you pitied him. So you treated him and looked after him.

He was grateful in his own way. But when he realized that you aren't going to beg him to pay you or sleep with you, he became desperate for your attention. So much as to sending you gifts even when he was away. He is possessive and god knows what your life will be when you go with him.

For all you know he could keep you tied up in his room. Or make you work to death. Or maybe he's telling the truth?

"But seriously, why?" You asked.

"Because I want you to be mine and mine alone" He growled and pulled you close.

"I can't stand seeing you be so close with other men" He breathed into your ear, sending shivers down your spine.

"hmmm~ have you been stalking me?" You narrowed your eyes.

"Would you be mad if I did, my little doll?" He was holding you against his chest, crushing you in his tight possessive embrace. How could you resist him? Impossible.

"More surprised." You hummed and played with his soft blonde hair.

You could feel him grin as he nibbled and sucked on your neck, leaving a very visible hickey on your neck.

"We'll leave tomorrow~ Fufufufu~"

This will either turn out to be a dream, or my absolute worst nightmare.


Tadaa!! Hope you enjoyed this!!
I appreciate your reads, votes, and comments!

Donquixote_joker 🃏

Smiles,Donquixote_joker 🃏

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