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Y'all know I write like 2 sentences and Lia writes the rest.  

Blame Satan  0:-)


"Babe, can we stop by the apple store?"

Scott shrugged, sipping on his coffee as they walked. "New case?"

"No, I want to get him a phone." Mitch didn't even look up at him as he walked, fingers dancing over his own phone as he texted someone.

Scott wished he didn't know who he was referring to, but who else would it be? Mitch and Oz had been attached at the hip for the majority of the past few weeks and it stung a little when Mitch brought up Oz for probably the 10th time in the past half hour. It was bad enough he had to plan and almost beg for an outing alone with his best friend, somehow losing the priority he'd always had in Mitch's life. Someone else was slowly taking his place.

His heart wasn't sure how to hold on when the more he revealed his jealousy the more Mitch pulled away.

"Why does he need a phone? He never leaves your side anyway." He didn't even bother hiding his annoyance. He'd tried to be patient and even tried to talk to him about how he was feeling, but Mitch was always distracted and everything just felt like it was spiraling out of control.

That got him a look, albeit an irritated one, but those brown eyes were on him nonetheless. It was a rarity as of late, and though he knew it was ridiculous, a bit of tension left his shoulders when Mitch deemed him worthy of his focus.

"You and I both know that that Jefferson guy he's searching for does not exist. Esther can search until she's 100 but she won't find anything. Who knows what kind of bullshít those scientists spouted at him to get him to volunteer to be their guinea pig. We have to start accepting that he's here to stay. He needs a phone. It's weird not being able to talk to him."

Of course it is.

Scott wanted to argue, to cause a scene right in the middle of The Grove and tell Mitch he was an idiot, but he bit his tongue. They'd fought more in the short time that Oz had been in their lives than they ever had in the many years they'd known each other. He was just tired of it. He needed to distance himself, from Oz... from this new version of Mitch who no longer needed him... from all of it. He needed a distraction.

"Whatever, just text me when you're done." He didn't wait for a response and after rolling his eyes he took off towards Topman before he would say something he would regret later... leaving a very confused and stunned Mitch to stare after him and wonder what the hell just happened.


"Wait, can you start again? I'm kind of lost."

Mitch rolled his eyes, a gesture that Oz always found quite adorable - maybe because his Mitch used to do it a lot too - usually when he was saying something that was deemed less than brilliant. Mitch would groan and roll his eyes at him, maybe even hit him on the arm and call him an idiot, and the small frown would disappear only when his lips were captured in a stolen kiss.

Of course, he couldn't do that now - even if, he had to admit, the thought had crossed his mind more than once in the last few weeks. A lot of things were holding him back, and one of those things was the Scott-shaped elephant in the room - or, in that case, out somewhere in the world.

"So, obviously contacts is where you put your contacts in. Oh, maybe I should change Scott's contact name to asshat." Mitch just pointed at a square icon on the screen, tapping it to make the contacts list show up.

He was trying to follow, really, he was, but it was hard when he kept getting distracted by Mitch's anger/frustration.  He never liked when he was upset, he always felt like he had to do something about it. "Okay..well I guess I would probably need to call only you or Scott so I might just learn your numbers and that's it." He scrolled through the app list for a second before pointing at a random one. "Is this the..uh, what did you call it, tweak?"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2016 ⏰

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