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Mal's POV

•like 10 PM•

The guys had finally brought back the pizza and the stuff for his busted lip. It was like this stuff. Like alcohol wipes except it had some medicine or whatever in it. It was weird.

•After we all ate pizza•

"Hayes, wanna play XBox with us?" Nash said.

"N-no" Hayes said.

I went to my room and Hayes followed me. "Good! These wipes are for you're busted lip!" I said.

"Oh no" he groaned and I laughed.

I sat on my bed and made him sit also.

"Ok it's gonna sting, and then the box says it's gonna taste like some fucking old warm cherries? What the hell? Whatever" I said, and threw the box in the trash.

I held the wipe up and said. "You good?"

He nodded and I slowly started to wipe. At first he was fine and then he jumped back and kinda shoved me.

"Fucking h-hurt" he said with wide eyes.

I laughed. "Yea, I know, I said it would"

"It was my s-some little sting. It w-was like a big burn" He said and looked like I shot him.

I rolled my eyes and put the wipe down.

"Can I-I ask you a question?" He said. "Yea?"

"Are you u-using me for publicity?"


"Are you? I m-mean I'm just Nash Grier's shy, stuttering, little brother. And y-you're popular, famous, and h-hot" he scratched the back of his neck awkwardly.

I laughed. "Thank you. But no I'm not. Who told you that?"

"Austin, J-Jace, and Gavin"

"Why would you believe those douches?"

He shrugged. "I-it makes sense. And n-now you g-got so many m-more followers and s-stuff."

"Maybe cause I'm cool?"

And that's when he lost it. I mean, it's not like I had really ever seen him.

He didt stutter almost at all and was just yelling and super angry.

Shy~H.G. {{slow updates}}Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ