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When did you first start making graphics?

Exactly on December 22, 2015.

Where does your inspiration come from?

I would just see it in my mind and look up some photos and gather inspiration from a lot of different pictures and put them together.

What do you most enjoy about making graphics like this?

I just get really proud of myself and I enjoy making art, and making graphics is an art in itself.

What do you feel motivated you to start making graphics?

When I started to write my story for Wattpad, I started to think of what the cover would be. So I downloaded my first app and started experimenting with different things to make my cover, and I ended up enjoying it a lot.

What advice do you have for any new designers on this site?

That they shouldn't give up on themselves, because the beginning is always rocky and that they should keep experimenting with different apps and techniques until they find the one that suits them the best.

Do you see yourself going into graphic design in the future?

I would definitely like to do something in that direction.

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