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It had been maybe an hour or so since Tyreese, the girls and I had left the prison. It wasn't safe anymore. Our home had been destroyed. Walkers owned it now. I only hoped everyone made it out alive.

"I want Carol!" Mika yelled from behind me. I turned around, being careful not to wake Judith who was in my arms. Luckily the girls brought her to us before we left. God knows what would've happened to her if we left.

"Well she's not here." Lizzie whispered as she handed her a knife. "Farther. C'mon" Tyreese said from besides me. "Is everyone dead?" Lizzie asked. I looked over to Tyreese who just rolled his eyes.

I know they were just little kids but boy did they talk. They never stopped talking. It was sort of a pain but hey. If I was their age and witnessed this, I would probably question everything around me.


It was night time. I don't even know what time it was anymore. Sadly, Tyreese had a cut in his arm from the fight today. So I only allowed him to carry a few of the weapons, I didn't want to force something on him that would hurt him.

We were sitting on logs, he was putting a bandana over his cut probably trying to stop it from bleeding. I was humming to Judith. Rick must be worried sick about her. I only hoped to find him soon so that I could see him and so that he could see that she was fine.

Judith began crying loudly. I picked her up quickly. "They're gonna hear her." Mika said next to me. I began caressing her cheek and started singing to her softly. She continued crying though. "Pass me her bottle please." I said to Mika who leaned over and picked up her bottle and handed it to me.

I placed the bottle into her mouth where she gratefully took it in. "We shouldn't be out here." Lizzie spoke from her log. I looked up to her. "We'll fine a place soon. We will." Tyreese said a]from in front of me.

Suddenly the noise of crunching leaves was heard from behind me. "Walkers!" Mika whisper yelled as she grabbed my arm quickly. The noise stopped.

"C'mon, let's go. Its okay." Tyreese said as he picked up the bag of weapons and helped me up. I nodded as Lizzie picked up Judith's bag and we began walking.


We had been walking all night and thankfully it was finally day time. Judith continued crying as we walked throughout the forest. I have had to sing to her multiple times. Every time we found a safe place to sit down she would stat crying and walkers would be attracted by the noise so we had to leave.

"Grapes." Mika whispered as she rushed over to the plant that was filled with grapes. She looked at me as I nodded, her and Lizzie rushed over to the plant along with Tyreese following right behind them.

I picked Judith up trying to comfort her with some fun but was washed over with the stench of her diaper. I closed my eyes as I reopened them, "Lizzie hand me a diaper please." I asked her as she nodded and picked out a diaper and some baby towels. I took her little blanket and laid it on the floor and began changing her.

She continued crying as I changed her. "It's okay baby girl. I hear you." I said softly to her. Tyreese was knelt down beside me as I changed her. I handed Lizzie the diaper as she threw it dramatically into some plants.

The sound of leaves crunching again was heard from behind us. "They're coming!" Mica yelled loudly as she grabbed onto Tyreese's arm where his cut was. He flinched, "I heard it Mica!" He whisper yelled at her.

"Don't yell at her! She has never understood walkers!" Lizzie yelled at Tyreese. Judith continued crying. "You're the one who doesn't understand them!" Mica fought back.

Afraid ; The Walking Dead, Rick GrimesWhere stories live. Discover now