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imaginingmb has inspired me to make this book along with the 90s/early 2000s era music, so if y'all haven't read her book "Royce Playlist" then y'all should go check that out :)

Some stories may contain physical and mental abuse, inappropriate language and same sex sexual content.

Also I say "him" a lot in these stories instead of saying their actual names, so if you're confused on who 'him' or 'he' is, then look at the tittle and whoever name is in it, its their point of view so 'he' would be the other person.
(Ex. This is Chres's POV so 'he' would be Jacob in this story.)
But I do give hints on who is who.

If you have any request, feel free to direct message me and I hope you like it :)

🎵"Bills, Bills, Bills"🎵
Destiny's Child

"Aye, yo Chres." I heard his deep voice say as soon as he came in the house.

"Can I borrow $150?"

"For?" I questioned him, raising an eyebrow.

"It doesn't matter what its for, just know that imma pay you back."

I laughed dryly, "you know," I started to say standing up from my seat on the couch, "that's what yo dumbass said last time. And the time before that. And all the other 34 times that you asked me to 'loan' you some money." I said, trying to stay calm stepping up closer to him with every sentence I said.

"You never fucking pay me back even after you promise to!" I said poking his chest aggressively once I was standing in front of him.

"I swear on my soul that I'll pay you-"

"Save the bullshit, Jacob!" I exclaimed.

"Why don't you ever spend the money that you're 'borrowing' from me on me!? Why don't you take me out on dates!? Huh, Jacob!?"

He just stood there with his hands in his pocket, not saying anything like his dumbass always do.

"I really don't understand why I'm still with yo ass." I said pacing around.

"You're a good for nothing needy son of a bitch!" I said with venom in my voice.

He still didn't say anything

"I got a letter in the mail last week."

"You wanna know what it was?" I asked him rhetorically, laughing dryly once again.

"It was a bill. From my credit card company. Over $7,000!" I stopped pacing and looked at him.

"You gonna pay that shit, Jacob? Hmm?"

He just stood there looking past me, clenching his jaw.

Oh, so he's mad, huh? I'll give him a reason to be mad, now.

"So you not gonna answer me, mothafucka?"

"Answer me, Jacob." I said, pushing his head back with my pointer and middle finger.

"Stop fucking touching me." He said through his clenched teeth.

"You gone pay my motherfuckin' bills, Jay?" I said pushing him hard, causing him to lose his footing and fall.

"You know what? Why waste my time having this conversation with you when I could of been left yo ass. It's the same shit everyday, Jacob! I can't do this anymore! I'm fucking done with you!"

He got up and marched over to me.

He grabbed me by my neck roughly and pushed me into the wall, causing me to wince in pain.

I tried to get out of his grip and attempted kicking him, but I failed and his grip only grew tighter.

"let me go." I managed to say.

"Didn't I tell you to stop fucking hitting me!?"

I looked up at him fearfully.

"I asked you a fucking question!" He said making his grip even tighter to the point where I couldn't breathe.

I nodded my head as much as I could and he finally let go.

I rubbed my neck slightly and looked at him.

He was looking out the window with his face a tomato red shade.

"J-ja-" I stated but got cut off by a hand landing on my face sharply causing my head to go in the other direction.

He hit me.

I grabbed my cheek at looked at him.

His face showed regret and guilt.

"Baby, I'm so so-"

"Get the fuck out." I said glaring at him, pointing at the door.

I am officially done with him.


"Get. The fuck. Out my. House."

He stared at me for a second then sucked his teeth and truned around, walking to the front door.

I got the bill that I was talking about and ran after him, throwing at him.

"And pay that mothafuckin credit bill, nigca!" I yelled out to him before slaming my door.

I lit the fireplace and went to go get all his things.

You play with fire, yo shit gone get burned.

A/N: Honestly, this is terrible. Could of done so much better.

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