It was all a blur

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Mark's P.O.V

Mark groaned painfully,this headache was killing him! "What happened last night.." Mark said while massaging his forehead. He attempts to get up but fails miserably because Jack is naked,hugging his torso. Wait JACK IS NAKED HUGGING HIS TORSO!? Mark screams,waking Jack who starts screaming as well. A girl with short red hair and a crazy facial expression bursts through the door (maniacchick12 )
"BABY I WANT YOU BACK-- you found another" The girl's voice trails off while glaring at Jack. "Mark,I want you back and I'll do whatever it takes to get you." She says then walks away.


Hey Star here! I'd like to thank maniacchick12 for collabing with me! She is an amazing friend,writer,and person! You should totally follow her now!

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