9. Awkward

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~Jazmine's POV~

I can't believe I kissed Henry last night! I mean I get it, it was only on the cheek, but still! Why did I do that? I don't wanna ruin our friendship! Ok, I need to stop thinking about this.... I just need to get up, and get to school. I got dressed and grabbed my phone and went downstairs. "Morning mom!" I smiled at her as I sat down. "Jazmine, where were you yesterday?" "What do you mean? I was at school." "No, no you weren't. The school called and they said you were there, but then you left. Where did you go?" I didn't say anything, I just got up and left.

I ran down the street, ignoring my mom yelling after me. I just kept running. I don't know how but I somehow ended up at school. I walked in and got a few stares, don't know why... I then felt a hand grab my arm and pull me around the corner. I was spun around to see Henry. "Hey.." "Jaz your eyes are purple. What is going on?" "What?!" My eyes are purple again?! What is happening to me?! I looked at Henry, and I remembered what happened last night. I just looked away. "You ok..?" "Y-yeah.. just.. last night..." "O-oh, yeah, that..." "I'm.. I'm sorry.. I don't want this to make anything weird, I don't want to mess up us being friends.." "Nothing is gonna mess that up, I promise."
Hey, so I'm sorry this is so short, but I got a lot on my mind, so yeah. Again I'm really sorry, I'll try and update sometime soon. Hope you enjoy this, love you guys! ~NinjaRose5050

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