Chapter 1

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Aréene's POV

"Congratulations to all the graduates on stage!" My Dean said proudly.

I was a nurse graduate from New York University.

"I am very proud, because we all know that it is a hard journey, and students coming into this program either drop the major or drop out completely." She said "so give yourselves a round of applause."

"We definitely have to celebrate." My friend Andrew whispered in my ear.

I just smiled at him listening to what Mrs. Wellbert was saying. She talked for a few more minutes until she started calling out graduate names. When she got to my name, I stood as I heard my family cheering.

"Congratulations Ms. Peters." She said handing my me diploma along with a hand shake.

"Thank you Dean Wellbert!" I replied.

After the rest of the names were called, we went out separate ways to our families.

"Oh congratulations honey. I am so proud of you!." My mother said hugging me tightly.

"Thanks mom I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you and dad." I said looking at her.

My dad kissed my forehead before handing me a bouquet of, my favorite flowers, lilies.

"Thanks dad" I replied to my father in sign language.

My father was born death, but people overlooked that because of his sweet personality.

"You're welcome sweetie." He replied back.

"So I made reservations at Vinegar Hill for 6:30 tonight so don't be late." My mother said sending me my farewell.

"I won't love you mom." I said going to find my friends.

"So I heard that it would be fun since it's just opening." I walked up hearing Andrew say.

"What is opening?" I asked standing beside my friend Gabby.

"There is this new club that just opened called Valentino's and um we were going to go there to celebrate. Plus I hear that the owner is very hot. Are you coming?" She finished.

"Um no sorry guys my parents made reservations at this fancy restaurant and my mom literally threatened me if I missed it." I said.

"Come on Arée you have to come. We all are going, because this is going to be our last time together, before life gets more serious." Andrew said.

I looked at my watch and saw that it was almost 5:30.

"Look ill see what I can do, but for right now I have to leave." I said hugging them and heading for the door.

I walked out of the doors into the spring weather eager to get to my car. I headed toward to house relax for a minute before it was time for dinner.

Afterwards I dressed in a black Jersey Square Bust fitted dress with my nude 7 inch pumps. My hair was in my natural curls down my back, the color of sandy brown. After checking myself in the mirror, I grabbed my purse and keys and headed out the door.

After getting pass the New York traffic, I made it to the restaurant at 6:25. Rushing to get inside, I made handed my keys to the valet. On my way in I bumped into a man nearly falling to the ground.

"I'm so sorry! I was just rushing and did not look where I was going." I said looking at him. He was very handsome with soft raven hair. If I was not in a rush, I would've stayed and talked longer.

" you're fine I understand. Nice meeting you..." he said leaving room for me to say my name.

"Aree...sorry my name is Aree...what about yours?" I asked him.

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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2017 ⏰

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