California, here I come!

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Billy Unger as Charlie Ramthon
I do not own this photo, goes to Billy
Unger's website

Charlie got his last box and put it into the truck. He ran upstairs to his bedroom and said goodbye to the memories. He was born in this house, and stayed for 17 years. He now has to move to California. Out of New York.
"Charlie, we need to go."
"Just a second, Mom!" I picked up a picture on the floor that I forgot. This was the drawn picture of me and Jake, before he died. Jake was in a car accident and died in the hospital. I teared up and ran downstairs, taking the taxi to the airport.

"Sir, I know your flight is in 1 hour, but we can't accept this." She pointed to the old copper thing my dad stuffed in his duffel bag.
I smirked as she gave the passports back. I put on my headphones and went to the gate, being greeted by thousands of flight attendants.
"Guten Tag!"
I just stared for a moment as a girl passed by my chair, hitting my book.
"Oh! I'm so sorry!" Her british accent was heavy.
"It's fine."
She ran to the other gate that shows, [LONDON. DEPARTING.]
I laughed and gave the passports to the ticket agent, and they opened the gateway doors, heading straight for the airplane.

"Welcome on board American Airlines! To ensure your safety, please keep your seatbelts on, as we will show you this safety video."
I simply raised the recliner (first class, swag) and shoved the pillow on my face.

"Sir. Sir wake up."
I woke up to see a smiling flight attendant with her giant trolley.
"Would you like anything to drink?"
I facepalmed and signaled her to move on, going back to sleep. I then got hit by ANOTHER GIRL who dropped my phone.
"Sorry! I just got seat transferred over here."
Where did she get transferred?
"Yeah, there is a seat next to me." I said.
"Thank you!" She sat down and buckled her seatbelt. Her reading glasses were really cool, not tiny and weird. Her hair was down and she had some highlights. She wore a black sweater and some jeans, and the boots that nobody ever wears.
"So.. Why are you going to California?"
"Me too!" I said.
"Yeah, San Francisco!"
"Same here!"
We talked a lot about things like myths or ghosts. She was not afraid of anything supernatural.
"We are now landing, please make sure you have your tray tables set and chairs up."
I moved up my recliner and set my tray tables, ready for the landing.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2016 ⏰

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