Companion Work

10.5K 247 18

Hey guys!

In celebration of "Hello, Richard" (HR) making it to the #1 spot on the FF list on Wattpad, I came up with this companion work as a gift to you. So, surprise!

As I said in the preview, in here, details left out by narration (actually, the complete lack thereof) in the chapters of HR will be concretized since I want to keep the original story purely correspondence.

Initially, I thought it might take away from the reader's imagination of the implied happenings in between emails and imessages, which is why I will only post companion chapters in random (not necessarily in order, when I can, and) every time HR reaches a milestone (Thanks to all of you).

So, the first chapter will be for HR's reaching the #1 spot on the FF list. HR's first two milestones were getting 100k and 200k views, and those needed to celebrated as well. That means there should be 2 more companion chapters in the works.

In total contrast to the original HR story lacking narration, this one will have everything - narrative, dialogue, thought bubble, even background music - all at once.

It would be wonderful if you guys can also leave comments here to let me know which HR chapter is your favorite, or which one you wish there was a fleshed out story of. I won't make any promises, but will really try and write for the best picks.

Thank you so much for all your amazing support, comments, and flailing about for HR They make me want to write more and more and more. If you feel like tweeting about the original story, it would be fantastic if you can also use the #HelloRichard HT on there so I can track your discussions (and spazzing). My handle over there is @kricket_rc234, by the way.

To justafang1rl who first read my prompt, said it was intriguing and is my constant DM-mate, Thanks! To my RT pemily and friends who've been master ficcers for a while now, you ladies have been one of my inspirations to write (more and again) -  mjcathy24  magicheart21  . To you who have been very supportive of this story right from the start, I love you! - veron619 iamRam2333 . To Boss Don, being part of RT is one of the best moments ever in my being a MaiChard/Aldub fan. Thank you!

To my hubby who is my beta, and my number one fan. Love you!

To all the readers who always left comments and tweeted their reactions, I promise to mention all of you in future companion chapters but please know that right now, I really love you guys! Thank you so, so, so much!

This fic is now officially part of the "Hello, Richard" series which I hope will grow into a bigger community of inspired work. If you want to draw a scene, make an artwork, do a book cover, write a one-shot, add a song to the mixtape, make a playlist, anything at all that you say was inspired by "Hello, Richard", I will gladly include/mention them in here so please do let me know.

The first companion chapter is up next. I hope you like it! ❤️



IMPORTANT: If you haven't read the original story yet, please do so here:

Otherwise, you may not fully understand and appreciate the scene. Thank you, loves.

R & D : A Companion Work to Hello, Richard.Where stories live. Discover now