Chapter 1: Birthday Blues

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"Do you think we should wake her?"

"Of course we should, because goddess knows she won't do it herself."

" Ok  , how should we do it?"

    Hearing voices I slowly opened my eyes, I was just about to sit up when I saw my best girl friend and my brother standing over me.

"You know she would literally kill us if we jumped on her right?" Makayla asked


   Deciding to make myself known I cleared my throat and said "You know I could kill both of you just for waking me up in the first place."

"JEWEL!!" Makayla cried out a little to loud for the morning making me wince.

"Holy cheeseburgers on rockets, to loud Makayla." I said while still rubbing my ear.

"sorry" she whispered back while giving me a sheepish smile "well anyway...Happy Birthday!!" she  screamed .

   I laughed, it was going to happen sooner or later. Makayla could never keep quiet, she was just like this big ball of energy that had to be unleashed, unless she would blow her lid and things would get crazy after that , her vibrant green eyes always sparked with mischief when she was up to something.  I was suddenly knocked out of my thoughts by my brother Zach who was pulling me out the door, i almost forgot that he was in here.

"You do know that you don't have to pull my arm right, I am perfectly capable of walking myself" I say to my brother but he ignores me and continues to pull me downstairs, until we get in the kitchen and he lets go of my wrists and then he walks away.

"Wow"I say dramatically to my mom who was currently at the stove making my favorite red velvet pancakes.

"Honey don't worry about him, he's just upset that I wouldn't let him go to Andrews house this morning" She said while plating up the pancakes.

"Why didn't you let him go, it's annoying watching him walk around like someone stole his last pack of skittles" I say while giving a fake sigh, then looking at my mom who was already looking at me right before we both broke down in laughter.

"" she said between fits of laughter.

   Me and my mom have always had a great relationship, I could talk to her about anything and she me. My mom is half Indian and black, so she can always talk in these two accents witch is really cool. The other cool think is that I can to.

"Hey mom, wheres Christian? he's usually here by now."

Christian is my best friend in the whole wide world. Ever since I was born we've been inseparable, one of the reasons being that my mom went into labor with me at his second birthday party, and of course he had to go and see who ruined his party. With our moms being best friends made it even easier to hang out when we were kids.

"Oh yeah, honey he told me to tell you that he has some future alpha work today" she said with a frown.

"But we always spend our birthdays together." I said, my frown similar to my mothers.

"I know I know...but now is not the time to mope around" she said while pulling a stack of red velvet pancakes with nutella spread from behind her.Then she proceeded to light the candles that made out the number 15.

 "EVERYONE GET YOUR LAZY BUTS IN HERE!!" my mom screamed and I laughed.

     Just then everyone walked into the kitchen holding there ears. "Why is everyone in this house so loud this morning?" My brother Zach says "i seriously need to move out."

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