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The sky was on fire.

There were flames for as far as i could see, the forest around me creaked and moaned with the heat.

I knew i should move, run and get help, but my legs protested along with the rest of my body.

My throat burned from my screaming, yelling was pointless as all i could even hear was the wood burning and the glass shattering from where the fire started.

'Help' i tried one last time, my throat felt like it too was on fire. Crunch...
Turning my head i saw a figure, maybe two, as the walked towards me. The flames parting as if they had asked it too.
Like moses and the river.

Trying to move my arm I reached for the figure.
'help me' i whispered with as much desperation i could do. My voice practically gone.

I wasn't sure if i was already dead and they were here to collect or i was seriously high from all the smoke coming from the marijana plants inside the burning building, were this all started.

Closing my eyes i prayed.

I wasnt the praying type but fuck i wanted to hope to god i wasnt going to die.

I had so much to do still.

I needed to study to pass english...and math.

I had to talk to jason before he left for collage. Finally tell him how ive felt since we first met during kindergarten.

Tell Angie to stop being a bitch.

So many things i wanted to do.

I opened my eyes and stared at the orange sky.
Flames danced in my vision, as the figure grew closer.

And then everything went black.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 31, 2016 ⏰

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