The Case

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A/N:sorry if it sucks I didn't know how to start it.

3rd person P.o.v
Angela woke up to the sound of her alarm clock ringing she got out of bed and searched the nightstand for her cell phone.

Subject :Wake up

Wake sleepy head remember  we're going to be taking gracie to the new Park today .

Angela got up fully and began to make her bed.when she was finished she picked up her phone again replied to her sister.


OK ok I'm up I'm gonna fix myself then get gracie up and ready.

Rachel had reached to put her phone back on the stand when she got another message.


OK see you at 10.

Angela chuckled and smsat her phone down on the stand to charge.She walked over to her dresser and got out a simple T-shirt and jeans. Before heading to the bathroom for an quick shower.

Time skip

She exited the bathroom refreshed and clothed .she hung up her towel and checked the time, 08:30am showed on her phone she took her phone and placed it in the back pocket of her jeans. She exited her bedroom and made her way to her daughters nursery,once she got there she made her way inside.
(What it looks like )

She silently walked over to one of the dressers and opened the drawer getting out an outfit for the day

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She silently walked over to one of the dressers and opened the drawer getting out an outfit for the day.She got her out a cute cheetah print pants with a shirt and small sweater just in case it got chilly out.She walked over to the crib and gently picked up her daughter holding her sleeping body to her chest as she made her way to the  living room, she sat down and began waking up the toddler. "Come on wake up for mommy" She opened her small grey-blue eyes half way blinking a little before trying to turn way and go back to sleep.
"Oh no you don't, get up sleepy head "Angela said chucking laying gracie down on the couch tickling her causing her to break out in a fit of giggles trying to catch her mother's hands.Angela stopped and caught her breath as she reached to her back pocket grabbing her phone checking the time."ok sweetie it's already 8:45,we still have time " She said as she picked gracie up once again and walked in to the kitchen placing gracie in her highchair as she went to the fridge and took out the milk,butter,bread and bagels placing them on the counter as gracie watched. Angela smiled and went back in the fridge grabbing gracie's sippy cup with Apple juice in it she gave to gracie and began to fill  a pot with  water, when it was boiled she poured a little bit of  milk inside with a spoonful of butter stirring it as she opened the cabinet over the stove and took out the box of hot cereal mix. She poured it in the pot and stirred it until it was thick and creamy ,and turned the fire off placing some in a small bowl and putting it in the freezer to cool . Then she put the bread and bagels in the toaster and toaster oven .

-Mini time skip to after they finished eating -

Angela picked gracie up and took her to the bathroom and washed her up.She exited the bathroom with gracie wrapped up in a fluffy towel, she walked to the nursery again and layed gracie down putting a pull up on her and her clothes. She put gracie down on the floor while she looked for gracie's cheetah print flats.
(Gracie's outfit )

  Angela turned around to put on gracie's shoes but gracie wasn't behind her and the door was open

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  Angela turned around to put on gracie's shoes but gracie wasn't behind her and the door was open. "Gracie !?!"She started to panic when she saw the balcony door open she took her phone and called someone she new could help her.She listened to the beeping on the other line until she heard a noise outside "Gracie? " She dropped the phone and rushed out side she held on to the railing as she peeked over. Hearing a noise behind her she turned around  only to feel two hands pushing her over the edge  as her world turned black and her body crashed into a hood of a car.
The phone  on the floor  clicked as they finally picked up.

"Detective Reagan speaking "

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2016 ⏰

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