Damien 01/05

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There was a huge sign board in three storied reflective glass building. Majestic's Collectable was written in italic. Below there was a picture of fifty something years old man wearing t- shirt with a picture of Hawaii beach and shorts. He was standing in front of a Ferrari, smiling and holding a swimsuit model in each hand. There was a caption below the picture

She might have some experience in the road but she still can give you your virgin ride.

I was little amused by the advertisement. Britney Hover, my companion got out from the car a lit a cigarette. We have an appointment at 4.30 pm Majestic Collectable, an antique car showroom in Los Angeles. We still had few minute to spare. Britney finished the cigarette, spayed paper mint mouth freshener. Britney was wearing mustard colour skater dress with good visual of her cleavage. Electronic door of Majestic collectable building was opened exactly on 4.30 pm and the old man from the advertisement come out and greeted us. The man looks couple of years older than the picture. He was wearing a black suit.

"I hope you don't have to wait for long" he said it in apologetic tone "Today we had a hectic schedule."

Building entrance had two CCTV cameras installed. It was the first thing that caught my attention I am pretty sure that he was aware that we arrived ahead of times. He was probably watching us before he came to greet us. He needs to give us his undivided attention, economy is recovering and I have a good connection among richest people in town. If I buy one of his vintage cars, talked about it to my wealthy clients, posted a picture in my face book his sales would definitely improve.

I handed him by business card.

Daniel Reinhardt, Hedge fund manager in WMC Capital.

"Mr Reinhardt, you have quite an impeccable taste." He smiled

Sales man trick number one, giving compliments to potential client, trying to be friendly. I know exactly what he means. He was not talking about my Zen M series car whose market price is close to one million dollar rather he was referring to the tall, mid twenty brunette next to me. Britney was an eye catcher, she looks like a runaway model or an actress, came straight from photo shoot to buy an expensive car with her boy friend or sugar daddy (I am little young to be her dad). Britney took the lead

"Pleasure is all mine. Mr Majestic..? I heard so much about your vintage car collection"

The old man smile "my family name is Polanski, But after twenty years in vintage car business, I guessed Majestic became my new surname." He does not ignore me at all, I am the cheque book he want to cash."Mr Reinhardt, may I ask you something. IPO of Willington, a social networking site, will be open next week. Do you recommend your clients to invest in it?

"My primary business area is in Asia. Beside I don't see a bright future for Willington. There are already too many social network site issues IPO. Willington's IPO price is discount. Stock price may be increased 30-40 % in few months but for long term investment you better choose renewal energy stocks. "I know he was trying to make polite conversation, making both of us comfortable. But I can see that he was more interested in Britney.

Building had tight security; there were armed security guards other side of door. We had to go through the x ray scanner. I remove my watch and mobile phone and put them to the trey, Britney put her purse, bracelet .After we go through the scanner, the security guard retuned out belongings.

"I am sorry for the trouble" Samuel said "there are few priceless cars in my collection, every day I got calls from people around the globe they wanted to buy them. Money is not an issue. I cherished my cars as if they are my children. I had to protect them at any cost. I did not want anyone to pulled a grand theft auto on me,"

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