Chapter 1

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A/n: yes the grammar sucks we get it! And yes this is going to sound like the weirdest super hero movie ever just the writing style deal with it...idfk. I think the chapter should just start now ok bye!


I was sitting in a big comfy chair eating my favorite snack granola. I was startled when Kenny yelled at me from across the room and said, " DAN GET THE GRANOLA!"

I had a separate stash of granola just for myself. I got the shared granola and handed it to Kenny who feed it to a whining Brendon. The one thing I didn't realize the camera was rolling. I brushed it off until the video was posted and people started to get suspicious.

I went on Instagram and a certain hashtag stuck out at me. #danola. I was a little worried to click it but I did anyway. There was almost one thousand edits of me and granola. Imagine if all those edits came true. I would be in heaven with all that granola.

"Hey Dan what are you looking at at" Brendon yelled coming next to me
I got out of the tag as fast as I could.

"Nothing" I said a bit to quickly. 

Brendon looked suspiciously at me but decided to just leave it...

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