Chapter 7

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The royal family sat around Alex in silence. It had been 12 minutes.
Deidrick and Alicia exchanged glances. They didn't know what to do. It seems as if they didn't have a choice. It was either Lila's bethrothal, or Alex's death.
Lila's hands were just folded in her lap. She sat a little bit farther from everyone else in her own circle of withered grass and flowers.
"What do we do, Deidrick?" asked the queen.
Lila looked up, with tears in her eyes and said, "Papa, is Alex going to die?"
The king just sat in silence.
Lila's hands balled up into fists, and she shouted, "King Etrianallas!"
The fae king appeared in a flash of light.
"Yes, little princess?" he answered.
Lila looked at her parents and Alex, then looked up to the tall being that stood in front of her. Her brown eyes stared defiantly into Etrianallas's.
"If I agree to marry your son when I'm older..." she started, "Will you promise to heal Alex?"
"Lila, honey what are you doing??" Deidrick and Alicia asked, eyes wide with shock.
"Yes, Lila. I will heal him. But he won't remember that you ever had powers, since we are taking this illness that was caused by your magic out of him."
"He won't remember all the fun times we had?" she asked sadly.
"He will remember the fun, but not the magic," answered Etrianallas in return.
"Lila, don't do this! You're not old enough to agree!" her parents tried to protest.
Lila looked at them and said, "If I say no, Alex dies."
She then looked at Etrianallas and said, "I will marry your son when I am twenty years old."
Etrianallas smiled at the determined little girl and said, "So be it."
With that, he took the spell book with one hand, and placed his other hand on Alex's head. He started chanting the spell written in the language that only he could read. As he did this, Alex's face turned from the shade of green it was to his normal shade of rosy peach, and his freckles were visible once again. His hair turned black once more, all except for two strands. One remained green, and one remained yellow.
The whole process of healing Alex took almost 10 minutes.
When Etrianallas was done, Alex looked as if he was just sound asleep.
"Thank you," said Deidrick.
"Just remember our agreement, and no harm will come to your family," Etrianallas replied.
As they were walking away, he continued, "And Lila. Try to learn to control your powers. Wouldn't want another mishap causing you to have to visit my kingdom again before you're married now would we?"
And with that, the royal family left the kingdom of the fae.

Hey guys
Comment, vote, whatever as usual.
Oh and THANK YOU for 100+ reads!!!
Keep being awesome guys!
Sorry this chapter is so short, but as I am human, I suffer from writer's block.
Thanx for reading!

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