chapter 2

14 2 3

"dude u said we were gunna hang out"

"it's ur last night here are u serious?"

"whatever im talking to ur mum she gave me pizza rolls ;-)"

"i like ur dog better than u she doesn't ignore me"

I woke up in a towel on my bed with several texts and a missed call from Cole. After I finished packing I was exhausted so I grabbed a shower and was too lazy to actually get dressed.

Out of instinct, I rolled over and looked where my bedside table and clock used to be. That was no help considering they were already being shipped to the states. I hope I didn't sleep too late.

I threw on a clean band tee and the same jean shorts I had on earlier. I shook my hair out and made my way downstairs. In the reflection of the family portraits on the stairway, I could see that my blonde hair was sticking up in every direction. I heard my parents asking Cole about his football scholarship as I got closer.

They all looked up at me when I entered the room.

"Nice of you to show up." Cole rolled his eyes at me and my Mum chuckled.

"What are the big plans for the night?" my Dad looked up from the letter he was reading to ask me.

I shrugged. I was still half asleep and had no idea what Cole had in mind. But from the way he was acting, he was up to something.

Cole shoved a piece of paper in my hands and looked at me with expectant eyes. He couldn't stay mad for long.

"Open it up!" he nearly shouted. Cole bounced up and down on his heels, nervously waiting for my reaction.

I unfolded the crumpled paper and scanned my eyes over what looked to be a list.

1. ice pops from colella's

2. the foot bridge

3. teepee gemma's car

The list was short because we only had a few hours. 

"Gem's car?, what the fuck?" I thought people usually threw toilet paper on houses.

My mum clicked her tongue at my choice words. "Not too late boys, Nik's flight is bright and early."

"Okay mum." I promised her. Both my parents made up plates of pasta and went into the dining room.

Cole tossed his arms up, "Obviously it's because she lives in an apartment complex, we'd hit at least two houses if we tried, plus that one guy who stands nude by the window all the time, and I don't want to deal with that." he defended.

I laughed at the last part. It wasn't a lie, unfortunately. Cole loved to wear a reserved a poker face all the time, but this list was so thoughtful. 

"You know, since you're leaving and everything, I thought it would be fun to just drive around town, for shits and giggles." Cole explained even though he didn't have to.

"let's do it." I responded dressing my feet in vans and grabbing my wallet from the kitchen counter. Cole shoved a few more pizza rolls in his mouth as we headed out. His arms were full of  four toilet paper rolls. What a look.

We said a quick bye to my Mum and Dad and got the ok to borrow the truck. It was a baby blue Chevrolet and pretty beat up, but I loved that thing.

"First stop, Colella's." Cole said as he floored the truck out of the driveway. We rolled all the windows down in an attempt to beat the sticky August air. We chatted for a few minutes about his older sister moving to Los Angeles, and my anxiety about flying. After a few minutes we were pulling into the parking lot of the mom and pop convenience store.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2016 ⏰

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