Chapter Fourteen

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Chapter Fourteen

AND EMMA THOUGHT her house was big.

Will's house looks like the White House, or one of those historical mansions they used to tour on field trips. Emma can't believe she's never seen it here before.

"Wow," Liam mumbles.

"Do you have invitations?" A little girl stands in front of them, hands on her hips. Emma can tell from the chiseled features and chestnut hair that she's a Davis.

Liam nods, passing his and Emma's both to the girl, who looks them over before stuffing them into the pocket of her hot pink jeans. Emma forces back a giggle. She would have expected Will to hire actual guards given how huge his parties are. This girl doesn't reach her shoulders.

As soon as she and Liam come around the back, they're surrounded by a swarm of people. Even with everyone around her, Emma feels disconnected, like she and Liam are separate from all of these other kids.

No one greets them. No one says hello, or offers them drinks.

No one so much as glances in their direction.

Emma puts her shoulders back, tells herself she doesn't care, but she does. Of course she does.

"So, should we start looking around for Serena?" Liam asks, scanning the lawn. Emma sighs, feeling a heavy sadness set over her. Are they really just going to come, pull the prank, and head home? They're not going to hang out or anything?

She catches sight of Layla, standing across the lawn with Tanner and Adelia. They're walking in a little bunch, all laughing and chattering happily. Serena is nowhere in sight.

Serena. Liam likes Serena.

Not true, she reminds herself. Not true.

How could it be true? Liam is with her. He's going to prank Serena tonight, ruin her life. Why would he do that if he liked her?

Whatever. It's not like Emerson knows anything about guys.

Emma glances at Liam. He's staring at her, waiting.

"Okay," she says. "Let's go find her."

They cross the grass. She likes the feel of his hand in hers as they walk. Just when she's gearing up to say something to him about it, he hisses, "There she is! Go!"

All Emma has to do is distract Serena while Liam does his part of the prank, but she finds herself freezing up when she sees the other girl. Serena perched on the edge of a lawn chair, sipping a drink. Next to her is Will Davis, the host himself, and they're laughing. Will looks like he can barely keep it together, he's laughing so hard.

Emma relaxes, thinking of how Emerson realized she might have been thinking of Will Davis liking Serena rather than Liam. Are they together? Will definitely looks like he likes her.

"Emma," Liam says again.

Serena's purse rests on the ground beside her. A burst of adrenaline runs through Emma's veins when she sees it. This is what she has to do: for herself, for Liam, for all the kids Serena has beaten down. This is their revenge.

She crosses over to Serena, head high. "Hey, Will!" she calls as she approaches. It's easier to talk to him than Serena.

Will turns. "Emma? What's up?" His eyes flick away from her as if embarrassed to know her name. He probably doesn't want her here. He didn't invite her.

She doesn't back down. "Could I talk to Serena for a second?" she asks, keeping her eyes focused on Will.

Will nod. He saunters off, walking towards some of his friends. Emma sinks down into his chair.

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