Date Night

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Laurel hurried from her car into the restaurant. She was supposed to meet Del at 7:00 and it was currently 7:30. Her last client, for the love of God, could not settle on a final cake sketch, she continued to switch between flavors and design. Shaking that thought out of her mind, she looked around for Del. He was sitting at a table near the back. She walked back to greet him.
"Sorry I'm late! The client wouldn't leave no matter what I did." Laurel apologized. Del stood up and gave her a long kiss, so long in fact that people started to stare.
"It's fine, I knew it was probably just a client. Sit down I got us an appetizer ordered." Del responded right before the waited appeared.
"Why hello gorgeous lady, can I get you anything to drink?" The waiter flirted and got on one knee and kissed Laurels hand. Del shifted in his seat.
"I'll have a white wine pease, whatever you have in the back." Laurel said uncomfortably looking at Del.
"Right away for the sexy girl." Del looked like he wanted to say something when the waiter said that, but held his tongue.
"That was a bit weird. Especially when he could see my wedding ring on." Laurel said.
"Yeah he's probably just trying to get a bigger tip." Del said while reaching across the table to hold her hand. The waiter came back quickly.
"Here you go, beautiful." The waiter put Laurels drink on the table and put a napkin down under it with his phone number.
"Are you kidding me, buddy she's married. To me." Del angrily said.
"Well nowadays marriages don't last long so she needs to keep her options open." The waiter retaliated. Laurel lost her cool.
"Take your napkin back and get us a new waiter, I'm happily married and I have no interest in you." Laurel coolly stated. The waiter just glared at her and Del and walked away. Del walked to Laurels side of the booth and tucked her into his side. Laurel leaned into his side.
"Maybe this will get the point across." Del said as he kissed her head. Laurel just laughed and caressed the side of his face.

Delaney and Laurel BrownWhere stories live. Discover now