Chapter 5

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[ K A T I E ]

Right as Harry was about to kiss me, Liam comes out of the room very loudly. Harry and I quickly twist our heads in that direction. Damn it, Liam. 

"Well, do you just want to watch a film?" Harry asks. 

"U-uhm, yeah, sure!" I reply as Harry grabs the remote for the television and surfs through the movie section. We decide on watching The Other Women. 

About 25 minutes into the movie, we hear giggling and thumps from Niall's room. Well at least he and Hannah are having fun. 

Later into the movie, I start cuddling into Harry's arms and my eyes begin closing.

The next day...

I wake up on top of Harry. We are squeezed on the living area couch and I can't help but roll off. 

"Shit." I whisper. Hannah and I are graduating today and we need to leave like right now to get ready. I get up quietly to go to Niall's room. I see a naked Hannah and Niall when I enter.

"Hannah get up! We graduate today, remember?" I scream. She and Niall get up instantly. 

"Oh, what the hell!" Hannah says pushing herself up and looking at the clock. "Shit!" She violently gets up and puts her clothes on. 

"Go, I will get the boys up and ready to go." Niall says giving Hannah a peck on her cheek.  

At graduation...

We all instantly tell when the boys get there because there are girls screaming. They take some pictures with them but then sit down. Hannah and I are in the back where all of the seniors are. I look through the side entrance and notice Harry looking around trying to spot me. I start lightly waving, hoping he would notice me. He sees me and waves back with a smirk on his face and I instantly blush.

"Katie Lynn Burman." The principal calls my name and I get up and walk on stage to get my diploma. As I am walking I see Harry and he is taking a picture and smiling.

It's the end of graduation and I couldn't be any happier. Hannah ran up to Niall and gave him a huge hug. 

"Congrats, girls!" Louis congratulates. I give him a hug and say thanks. I give them all hugs. The last boy I give a hug to is Harry.

"Congrats, love. Now it's off with your career!" I blush at the comment and give him a long hug. 

"Thank you so much." I whisper in his ear. 

"Okay we have to go to a meeting about tour so you know all of the dates and what not." Liam says. So we all go to a weird office a few miles away. I learn all of the tour dates and then They take us to pack our bags with everything we would need for tour. Then we go out to eat.

"So how excited are you? I know I am excited to have you join us." Harry questions. 

"I am stoked. I just cannot believe this is real." They all giggle. 

"Well we start in 2 weeks!" I am going to be singing my own songs in front of thousands of people. I am so so nervous but excited at the same time. I just hope the fans like me, or at least treat me well.

Later that night... 

Harry and I go into his room and lay down on the king size bed. I go to the bathroom and come back to find my phone blowing up. I go onto twitter and see I have tons more followers. Harry tweeted the picture he took of me at my graduation. I like and retweet it. 

"Thank you for everything, Harry."

"It's really no big deal. I really think you are an amazing person, and quite gorgeous." I blush. Harry fucking Styles called me gorgeous. I look up at him and we are looking into each others eyes. This time I lean in and give him a kiss. "Go on a date with me." He stated instead of asking.

"Well, why not?" I kissed him again. 

We made out for a little bit and cuddled for the rest of the night. He fell asleep before me.

<Thanks for the follows everyone :)> I tweeted before I went to bed.

Few days later...

<@Harry_Styles: Tonight's the night. H> Harry tweeted. I, of course, like and retweet it. 

<Tonight is going to be fun! Wish me luck :)> I tweeted. I am assuming some fans get it, but some seem oblivious. 

Anyways, tonight is the night of Harry and I's first date. I hope it goes well. All I know is is that it is going to be a casual date. I put on some skinny jeans and a One Direction t-shirt. I also put on some makeup, not a lot so I don't look like a weirdo. 

"Are you ready, love?" Harry asks. I nod and grab his hand. We make our way to a car in front of the hotel. Luckily, there aren't any paps.

We arrive to a local carnival.

"OMG! I love carnivals! Let's go have some fun!" I drag Harry out of the car and into the carnival. We play some games and he has won me some toys. So far only a couple people have seen us. I know some have taken some pictures of us. I guess I am looking forward to seeing them on twitter. 

"Let's go on the ferris wheel!" Harry grabs my hand and pulls me towards the tall ride. We get into a cart and make our way to the top. 

"It's so beautiful up here!" I say as we are looking out towards the sunset. 

"Not as beautiful as you." Harry flirts. I jokingly smack his arm and kiss him. Well there goes another being taken. He rests his large hand on my thigh and the other on my lower back. He rubs his hand back and forth on my thigh. I'll admit, it kind of turns me on.

After going on some other rides, we go back to the hotel. I can't help but notice Harry touching my ass here and there. I don't mind. 

We enter the hotel room and hear Hannah and Niall once again. Maybe I will get lucky this week.

Anyways, I take a shower and put pajamas on. Harry takes one after me. While he is in the shower, I scroll through twitter and retweet pictures of this night people took. It's so funny, after I retweet it, they freak out with their tweets after! I follow those people who say the nice things. 

Harry comes out of the bathroom with only basketball shorts on. He climbs into bed and we cuddle the rest of the night.


Hey everyone! Next chapter will contain smut! Warning you now!

Also, sorry for not updating in awhile. If you have any questions please comment or DM me on twitter @94swhatafeeling!!

Please give this a like and share! I always try to make each chapter between 800-1000 words so this is a long one!

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