Pocky Time

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"Ve~ Doitsu! Doitsu!"

Germany cringed hard as he heard the certain happy-go-lucky voice of his fellow ally, Italy.
Germany turned around and saw the smaller nation smiling up at him brightly. 'God is he cute...' the German widened his eyes and quickly tried to rid his mind of the thought.
Though Germany knew his feelings were true as he had been pratically in love with the Italian for as long as he can remember.
"Ve~? Doitsu! I have something to eat!" Germany snapped back to reality as Italy tilted his head up curiously at the taller nation. "Oh sorry Italy... I just spaced out... Anyways! What is it?"
Italy smiled and pulled something out of his pocket, "Japan gave it to me! I was hungry and he didn't have any pasta at his house..." he shoved the box of something into Germany's hand.
Germany gazed at the box, labled pocky,
"Japan gave you this?"
"Sì! And there's a special way to eat it too! Here, come closer!" Italy forcefully pulled Germany to sit down with him down on the grass.
"Now you take a pocky stick out-" Germany didn't have time to question the tiny Italian as a stick of pocky entered his mouth.
"And then the other person also nibbles and eats the pocky until both people kiss! And whoever breaks away first loses!"
Germany stared in shock as Italy latched his mouth onto the pocky stick, nibbling his way to Germany's lips.
'Oh my god.... OH MY GOD... If he keeps going we're gonna-' The flushed German's thoughts were cut short as he felt a pair of soft, velvety lips embrace his own in heavenly warmth.
Italy carefully wrapped his arms around the blonde's neck as Germany closed his eyes in shear delight, pulling the Italian into his lap.
Italy suddenly pulled away and grinned cheerfully at Germany who just smiled back, blushed and stroked Italy's hair while staring deep into his brown eyes.
After what seemed like ages, Italy finally spoke up, "Ve~ That was even better then what was planned!"
Germany chuckled a bit and ruffled Italy's hair a bit.
Suddenly Italy blushed and quickly glanced at a nearby bush. "Err... more of what Japan planned..."
Germany's face instantly darkened. He gently pushed Italy off his lap and walked over to the bush Italy looked at.
"Japan. Come. Out. Now." The intimidating German ordered as he stood, cross-armed, glaring down at the bush.
In almost an instant Germany saw the small Japanese man emerge from the bush, covered in leaves and holding some sort of fancy video camera.
"G-Gomenesai G-Germany-san... I uh... needed more footage for my yaoi collection and I-" Japan was cut off by Germany's perplexed look, "your what collection? Yao ki? Ya ni? I'm sorry I don't speak pervert." The blonde spat out with confusion. Japan bowed quickly before muttering another small 'gomenesai' before taking off into a full sprint.
Germany sighed and sat back down next to Italy.
"Ve~ Doitsu, Japan gave me the pocky and said that I should play with you!"
Germany felt enraged, 'the little pervert...'

And somewhere, in the distance, Japan was oogling with Hungary over the photos of German and Italian kissing.
"Hungary-san, this is better than we planned."
Hungary hugged the photos close to her chest and giggled again sinisterly.
"We need more..." She muttered to the Japanese man. Japan nodded and smiled faintly.
Oh yes they needed much more than just the two kissing.


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